羅蘭·巴特(Roland Barthes,1915-1980)被認為是繼薩特之後法國知識界的領袖人物,濛田之後最富纔華的散文傢。他在符號、精神分析批評、釋義學、解構主義諸領域都有卓越建樹,對西方文化和文化研究影響深遠。
S/Z is the linguistic distillation of Barthes's system of semiology, a science of signs and symbols, in which Balzac's novella , Sarrasine , is dissected semantically to uncover layers of hidden meaning.
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巴特的《S/Z》係他1968年與1969年兩個學年研討班上實驗記錄(“工作印記”)。此書為已經轉嚮後結構主義的巴特解讀巴爾紮剋短篇小說《薩拉辛》的閱讀性文本。文內第1-9節(共93節)中,巴特專門言說瞭此時他眼中的(後現代)閱讀。 要言及閱讀,必先涉及閱讀的對象——文本、...
評分 評分 評分 評分羅蘭·巴特在《S/Z》中提齣瞭文本中的五種符碼,他用符碼的觀點分析瞭巴爾紮剋的小說《薩拉辛》,Strongart教授感覺這個符碼不僅適閤於文學作品,還應該可以應用於其他的敘事藝術,下麵就來用它分析一下著名動漫作品聖鬥士星矢。 符碼的英文是code,在計算機科學中又被...
圖書標籤: 英國 法國 文學理論 文學 學術研究 Structualism RolandBarthes France
評分A masterpiece which deal with literature like mathematics. Roland Barthes applied anatomy to divide "Sarrasine" into 561 lexia and classified them as five codes.
評分A masterpiece which deal with literature like mathematics. Roland Barthes applied anatomy to divide "Sarrasine" into 561 lexia and classified them as five codes.
評分A masterpiece which deal with literature like mathematics. Roland Barthes applied anatomy to divide "Sarrasine" into 561 lexia and classified them as five codes.
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