Look no further for help than "New York Times" bestselling author Mignon Fogarty, aka Grammar Girl to get your vocabulary back up to snuff. Millions of fans around the world communicate better thanks to Grammar Girl, and with this third book in the series of "101 Words Books", she's here to make sure you sound smarter and impress anyone and everyone in the room. There's no point in memorizing a slew of hoity toity words that no one's ever heard of. Instead, Grammar Girl has you covered with a wide range of smart-sounding words - including a number with foreign origins - that people actually use, so you won't sound like you just stepped out of the 1800s. Each word entry features clear definitions and examples that put each word in context, along with the helpful memory tricks and fun, straightforward style Grammar Girl is known for. Developing a strong, well-balanced vocabulary is an important skill that will benefit you throughout your life. With the help of "Grammar Girl's 101 Words to Sound Smart" you'll be writing better, holding your own in conversation, and standing out from the crowd in no time at all.
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圖書標籤: 英文學習 Language 詞匯 grammargirl Non-fiction 2013_read
書名小tacky,但確實有用。1印象深刻,有的單詞原來我有在書見過收集過,但印象不深,看過這本書印象十分深刻,應該一段時間內都不會忘記;2作傢用意好,就像他所說,有時short word won't do,例如如果說偶像派的演員是acting,同樣說tony award winner又是acting好像不太準確,histrionics這時候可能比較好;3例子選得好,8成都是報紙雜誌專欄作傢;4解釋比較詳盡,例如metaphorical meaning,褒貶義,詞源小故事等;5非常適閤碎片時間閱讀。 不過要小心用,看完書還是要查字典理解。因為我看過有人給瞭很差的評價,很瞧不起這本書但馬上就把其中一個詞用錯瞭。
評分書名小tacky,但確實有用。1印象深刻,有的單詞原來我有在書見過收集過,但印象不深,看過這本書印象十分深刻,應該一段時間內都不會忘記;2作傢用意好,就像他所說,有時short word won't do,例如如果說偶像派的演員是acting,同樣說tony award winner又是acting好像不太準確,histrionics這時候可能比較好;3例子選得好,8成都是報紙雜誌專欄作傢;4解釋比較詳盡,例如metaphorical meaning,褒貶義,詞源小故事等;5非常適閤碎片時間閱讀。 不過要小心用,看完書還是要查字典理解。因為我看過有人給瞭很差的評價,很瞧不起這本書但馬上就把其中一個詞用錯瞭。
評分書名小tacky,但確實有用。1印象深刻,有的單詞原來我有在書見過收集過,但印象不深,看過這本書印象十分深刻,應該一段時間內都不會忘記;2作傢用意好,就像他所說,有時short word won't do,例如如果說偶像派的演員是acting,同樣說tony award winner又是acting好像不太準確,histrionics這時候可能比較好;3例子選得好,8成都是報紙雜誌專欄作傢;4解釋比較詳盡,例如metaphorical meaning,褒貶義,詞源小故事等;5非常適閤碎片時間閱讀。 不過要小心用,看完書還是要查字典理解。因為我看過有人給瞭很差的評價,很瞧不起這本書但馬上就把其中一個詞用錯瞭。
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