大卫·克里斯蒂安(David Christian,1946— ),历史学家,“大历史”(Big History)学派创始人,国际大历史学会(International Big History Association)主席。主要著作有《时间地图: 大历史,130亿年前至今》(Maps of Time)、《极简人类史》(This Fleeting World)、《大历史:虚无与万物之间》(Big History,与辛西娅·布朗、克雷格·本杰明合著)等。
与传统世界史不同,克里斯蒂安倡导的“大历史”不再局限于民族、地区、国家的历史,而是将人类史视为宇宙历史的一个章节,重新定位人类在宇宙演化进程中的历史坐标。“大历史”深刻影响了大众读者对人类历史的认知。比尔·盖茨斥资千万美元,致力于在全球范围内推广“大历史教学项目”(Big History Project)。
Maps of Time 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
《时间地图》将自然史与人类史综合成了一篇宏伟壮丽而又通俗易懂的叙述。这是一项伟大的成就,类似于17世纪艾萨克·牛顿运用匀速运动定律将地球与天体联系在一起的那种方式,甚至更接近于19世纪达尔文所取得的成就,即用进化的过程来展现人类与其他生命形式之间的联系。 大卫·...
评分只能看看手边有什么东西能写进来的…… David Armitage, 'What's the Big Idea? Intellectual History and the Longue Durée,' History of European Ideas 38.4 (2012): 493-507. Connie Barlow, Green Space, Green Time: The Way of Science (New York 1997). Cynthia S. Br...
评分 评分图书标签: 历史 大历史
An introduction to a new way of looking at history, from a perspective that stretches from the beginning of time to the present day, "Maps of Time" is world history on an unprecedented scale. Beginning with the Big Bang, David Christian views the interaction of the natural world with the more recent arrivals in flora and fauna, including human beings. Cosmology, geology, archeology, and population and environmental studies - all figure in David Christian's account, which is an ambitious overview of the emerging field of 'Big History.' "Maps of Time" opens with the origins of the universe, the stars and the galaxies, the sun and the solar system, including the earth, and conducts readers through the evolution of the planet before human habitation. It surveys the development of human society from the Paleolithic era through the transition to agriculture, the emergence of cities and states, and the birth of the modern, industrial period right up to intimations of possible futures. Sweeping in scope, finely focused in its minute detail, this riveting account of the known world, from the inception of space-time to the prospects of global warming, lays the groundwork for world history - and 'Big History' - true as never before to its name.
Maps of Time 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书