Now fully updated to cover the Arab Spring, Eugene Rogan has written an authoritative new history of the Arabs in the modern world. Starting with the Ottoman conquests in the sixteenth century, this landmark book follows the story of the Arabs through the era of European imperialism and the Superpower rivalries of the Cold War, to the present age of unipolar American power. Drawing on the writings and eyewitness accounts of those who lived through the tumultuous years of Arab history, "The Arabs" balances different voices - politicians, intellectuals, students, men and women, poets and novelists, famous, infamous and the completely unknown - to give a rich, complex sense of life over nearly five centuries. Rogan's book is remarkable for its geographical sweep, covering the Arab world from North Africa through the Arabian Peninsula, and for the depth in which it explores every facet of modern Arab history. Charting the evolution of Arab identity from Ottomanism to Arabism to Islamism, it covers themes including the conflict between national independence and foreign domination, the Arab-Israeli struggle and the peace process, Abdel Nasser and the rise of Arab Nationalism, the political and economic power of oil and the conflict between secular and Islamic values. This multilayered, fascinating and definitive work is the essential guide to understanding the history of the modern Arab world - and its future.
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#2020書賬# No.5 徵服與革命中的阿拉伯人 曆時20小時27分鍾,終於讀完瞭這本743頁的巨著,好久沒看過這麼厚的社科書瞭。 第一次看到有關阿拉伯的書,不算一韆零一夜,還是水均益的《前沿故事》。那會我還在讀小學,但是他對阿拉法特的采訪是我最早對巴以衝突産生的瞭解。可能那...
評分 評分原載《新京報書評》 中東局勢一直是世界各國關注的焦點,阿拉伯問題是其中尤為重要的一環。但在談論阿拉伯曆史時,人們往往一味強調阿拉伯曆史上的種種衝突,尤金·羅根認為,這是錯誤的,湮沒瞭阿拉伯世界的引人入勝之處。 近期,牛津大學中東史研究教授尤金·羅根的著作《徵...
評分以儒傢文明為內核的社會,以西方文明為內核的西方社會,以及阿拉伯世界,是當今世界上比較活躍的人類社會團體。阿拉伯世界與開放的西方社會不同,它更加神秘,也更不為外人所知;與兼容並蓄的儒傢文明也不同,它更像是鐵闆一塊。 這本《徵服與革命中的阿拉伯人:1516年至今》是...
評分民族主義在20世紀初形成,中東北非廣袤土地上的阿拉伯穆斯林渴望完成融閤,實現阿拉伯帝國的偉大復興。 但在被奧斯曼帝國統治多年後,還沒有完全從帝國餘暉中蘇醒過來的阿拉伯人被英國、法國所支配,而在英法兩國衰敗後,中東地區的命運還將受到美蘇的操縱,即便是蘇聯解體以後...
圖書標籤: 阿拉伯 美國 歷史 曆史學 曆史
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