奧爾罕·帕慕剋(Orhan Pamuk, 1952- ),當代歐洲最傑齣的小說傢之一,享譽國際的土耳其文學巨擘。齣生於伊斯坦布爾,曾在伊斯坦布爾科技技大學主修建築。2006年獲諾貝文學奬,作品已經被譯為40多種語言齣版。
From the acclaimed author of My Name Is Red (“a sumptuous thriller”–John Updike; “chockful of sublimity and sin”– New York Times Book Review ), comes a spellbinding tale of disparate yearnings–for love, art, power, and God–set in a remote Turkish town, where stirrings of political Islamism threaten to unravel the secular order.
Following years of lonely political exile in Western Europe, Ka, a middle-aged poet, returns to Istanbul to attend his mother’s funeral. Only partly recognizing this place of his cultured, middle-class youth, he is even more disoriented by news of strange events in the wider country: a wave of suicides among girls forbidden to wear their head scarves at school. An apparent thaw of his writer’s curiosity–a frozen sea these many years–leads him to Kars, a far-off town near the Russian border and the epicenter of the suicides.
No sooner has he arrived, however, than we discover that Ka’s motivations are not purely journalistic; for in Kars, once a province of Ottoman and then Russian glory, now a cultural gray-zone of poverty and paralysis, there is also Ipek, a radiant friend of Ka’s youth, lately divorced, whom he has never forgotten. As a snowstorm, the fiercest in memory, descends on the town and seals it off from the modern, westernized world that has always been Ka’s frame of reference, he finds himself drawn in unexpected directions: not only headlong toward the unknowable Ipek and the desperate hope for love–or at least a wife–that she embodies, but also into the maelstrom of a military coup staged to restrain the local Islamist radicals, and even toward God, whose existence Ka has never before allowed himself to contemplate. In this surreal confluence of emotion and spectacle, Ka begins to tap his dormant creative powers, producing poem after poem in untimely, irresistible bursts of inspiration. But not until the snows have melted and the political violence has run its bloody course will Ka discover the fate of his bid to seize a last chance for happiness.
Blending profound sympathy and mischievous wit, Snow illuminates the contradictions gripping the individual and collective heart in many parts of the Muslim world. But even more, by its narrative brilliance and comprehension of the needs and duties
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《雪》講述的是一個土耳其詩人的故事。詩人的名字叫做卡,這個名字是他自己取的,因為他不喜歡他的原名,但是喜歡由原名的首字母拼成的卡這個名字,所以,他就這麼稱呼自己,並且也讓母親和朋友們接受瞭。 在德國度過瞭十二年的政治流亡生活之後,詩人卡迴到伊斯坦布爾參加他...
評分雪的含義,有時,要看它落在什麼地方瞭。 比如說,落在曹雪芹的金陵,它就是“好瞭歌”。“ 好一似食盡鳥投林,落瞭片白茫茫大地真乾淨!”落在喬伊斯的都柏林,它就是“癱瘓與死亡”。“整個愛爾蘭都在落雪。它落在陰鬱的中部平原的每一片地方上,落在光禿禿的小山上,輕輕地...
評分雪花的完美屬性讓人對生命産生敬畏,雪花藏著宇宙,完美的命運一般的對稱。 連續不斷的雪,將主人公KA推嚮一個漩渦,宗教的漩渦,政治的漩渦,愛情的漩渦,過去未來在這裏交匯,一個迷惑引發瞭更大的迷惑, KA失去瞭動力,被推動,而非推動。 雪花的中央,就是命...
評分據說是帕慕剋最鍾愛的小說。 據說是最受爭議的政治小說。 據說帕慕剋因此幾乎被追殺。 看書之前,先看到這一堆東西真是讓人頭疼,免不瞭帶著些微挑釁的態度去讀,至少希望讀完後滿意地發現,這並不是本政治小說。 果然,我以為這並不是本政治小說。 政治不過是個...
圖書標籤: 土耳其 奧爾罕·帕慕剋 小說 Pamuk 英文原版 外國文學 OrhanPamuk 文學
Human beings are God's masterpieces, and suicide is blasphemy. I figure out that the common don't seem to be my fav anyway.
評分I read one word~~ terror~~~in Islam
評分Impressive and ambitious. I spent more than one week reading this book, and the translation is very good. I love Pamuk's language and his tone of telling a story--it's curious. And i love the story itself very much.
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