Also published as E. Annie Proulx
Edna Annie Proulx is an American journalist and author. Her second novel, The Shipping News (1993), won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction and the National Book Award for fiction in 1994. Her short story "Brokeback Mountain" was adapted as an Academy Award, BAFTA and Golden Globe Award-winning major motion picture released in 2005. Brokeback Mountain received massive critical acclaim and went on to be nominated for a leading eight Academy Awards, winning three of them. (However, the movie did not win Best Picture, a situation with which Proulx made public her disappointment.) She won the PEN/Faulkner Award for Fiction for her first novel, Postcards. She has written most of her stories and books simply as Annie Proulx, but has also used the names E. Annie Proulx and E.A. Proulx.
The Shipping News 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
THERE is a time I read the book every day in subway on my way to work and home. I was deeply shocked by the miseries Quoyle had at the beginning of this story, which reminds me of my life. I suppose we all have a time in school learning what we don't unders...
评分BBC的World Book Club前不久采访了Annie Proulx,其间讨论了两本书,就是这本《航运新闻》,还有《断背山》。可惜douban现在好象不能共享音频和视频吧? 对书有兴趣的人可以到这个地址去订阅podcast:。
评分如果不是娟娟的极力推荐,我恐怕不会知道这本书,更不会使劲把它读完。安妮普鲁在我是一个陌生的名字,后来才知道《断背山》的原著便是她。然而在读完了整本书之后,我不得不承认:这是一本有力量的书,一本值得细细品味,从头读到尾的小说。 整本书的感觉就像是在走一个很狭窄...
评分我们可以用怎样具体的形象来比喻人生呢?它线性而纤细,却蕴含着韧性与力量,与此同时,生命本身,又难免与其他生命产生交集,或者可以亲密无间,或者擦身而过,或者一团糟——用绳结来比喻这样的东西,也许再合适不过。 或许安妮•普鲁也这样想,才会在她的长篇作品《船讯...
评分大多数人都在对比中苟且偷生。别人有钱我没钱,别人JJ大我JJ小,别人是受我是攻,别人旅行我苦逼,别人发财我傻逼,别人帅逼我丑逼。于是乎,天降了一个不敢想象的贼肥贼丑贼无能的主人公和你一起对比生活。 作者写过《断背山》。这个干啥啥不行吃啥啥不剩的主人公,有点超乎...
图书标签: 小说 美国 AnnieProulx 普利策 Annie_Proulx 美国文学 电影原著 novel
In this touching and atmospheric novel set among the fishermen of Newfoundland, Proulx tells the story of Quoyle. From all outward appearances, Quoyle has gone through his first 36 years on earth as a big schlump of a loser. He's not attractive, he's not brilliant or witty or talented, and he's not the kind of person who typically assumes the central position in a novel. But Proulx creates a simple and compelling tale of Quoyle's psychological and spiritual growth. Along the way, we get to look in on the maritime beauty of what is probably a disappearing way of life. (from
what he has was what he pretended.
评分暴雪、巨浪、渔船、被风刮走的房子、简单平凡又坚韧的人。Annie Proulx粗砺的语言和纽芬兰这片神奇的土地融为一体。
The Shipping News 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书