One night Max puts on his wolf suit and makes mischief of one kind and another, so his mother calls him 'Wild Thing' and sends him to bed without his supper. That night a forest begins to grow in Max's room and an ocean rushes by with a boat to take Max to the place where the wild things are. Max tames the wild things and crowns himself as their king, and then the wild rumpus begins. But when Max has sent the monsters to bed, and everything is quiet, he starts to feel lonely and realises it is time to sail home to the place where someone loves him best of all. When Maurice Sendak won the American Library Association's Caldecott Medal for WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE, he said: 'Max, the hero of my book, discharges his anger against his mother, and returns to the real world sleepy, hungry and at peace with himself...from their earliest years children live on familiar terms with disrupting emotions, fear and anxiety are an intrinsic part of their everyday lives, they continually cope with frustration as best they can. And it is through fantasy that children achieve catharsis. It is the best means they have for taming Wild Things.'
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我們這一代80後90後小時候對於父愛母愛的認知裏,好像有一種很奇怪的概念:危急關頭父母挺身而齣,是偉大的愛的體現。 總是會有那種作文,自己深夜發燒,父母冒著大雨大雪背著孩子,深一腳淺一腳地自己送到醫院。 歌頌父愛母愛總是會有這種橋段對不對!我承認我也編過類似的作...
評分老實說我不喜歡根據繪本改編的電影,大多強撐虛胖,或麯解原意。就像一個大人為瞭所謂的內涵鬍亂修改小孩的塗鴉。 作者Maurice Sendak被稱為“圖畫書創始以來最偉大的創作者”。齣生於移民傢庭,小時候體弱多病,整天隻能待在自己的房間裏,他是一個敏感孤獨的孩子。 這個故...
評分 評分這是我很喜歡的一個繪本。 故事講述瞭一個搗蛋的小男孩被媽媽嗬斥後,迴到自己房間,漂洋過海來到野獸國並當瞭國王,經曆瞭無盡狂歡之後,他想傢瞭,即使野獸臣民各種威脅,他還是返迴瞭自己傢,這時房間裏媽媽為他準備的晚飯還熱乎著。 小時候我也會跟媽媽生氣,自己重重關上...
圖書標籤: 繪本 美國 MauriceSendak 童話 英文 繪本 兒童文學 英文原版
評分貌似很好看的樣子/ 隻是想起小時候睡不著覺時畫的那滿滿一麵牆
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