Although she writes under the pen name J.K. Rowling, pronounced like rolling,her name when her first Harry Potter book was published was simply Joanne Rowling. Anticipating that the target audience of young boys might not want to read a book written by a woman, her publishers demanded that she use two initials, rather than her full name. As she had no middle name, she chose K as the second initial of her pen name, from her paternal grandmother Kathleen Ada Bulgen Rowling. She calls herself Jo and has said, "No one ever called me 'Joanne' when I was young, unless they were angry." Following her marriage, she has sometimes used the name Joanne Murray when conducting personal business. During the Leveson Inquiry she gave evidence under the name of Joanne Kathleen Rowling. In a 2012 interview, Rowling noted that she no longer cared that people pronounced her name incorrectly.
Harry Potter has never played a sport while flying on a broomstick. He's never worn a Cloak of Invisibility, befriended a giant, or helped hatch a dragon. All Harry knows is a miserable life with the Dursleys, his horrible aunt and uncle, and their abominable son, Dudley. Harry's room is a tiny cupboard under the stairs, and he hasn't had a birthday party in ten years.
But all that is about to change when a mysterious letter arrives by owl messenger: a letter with an invitation to a wonderful place he never dreamed existed. There he finds not only friends, aerial sports, and magic around every corner, but a great destiny that's been waiting for him... if Harry can survive the encounter.
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無論是鄧布利多,伏地魔,斯內普,盧平,小天狼星,哈利,羅恩還是納威。 一身纔華被傢庭拖纍也好,頭一次得到如此關注也罷,從來沒有被誰愛過。還有被朋友接納的無奈身份,終於擺脫瞭的暗色傢庭,曾經忍受的孤獨和虐待,在眾多兄長麵前相形見絀的自卑感,以及常年的缺少自信...
評分如果你想通過讀原版書來提高英文閱讀水平,來讀J.K. Rowling的Harry Porter吧。這套書的語言難度不高,而且一旦被J.K.編織的魔法世界吸引,一切都會變得那麼順暢和容易。 如果你覺得Harry Porter的係列電影十分精彩,來讀原著吧。電影由於受到時間和錶現方式的局限(就像電影...
評分 評分我和它的結識顯然沒有這麼久。大概是在小學二年級的時候吧,我爸的大學同學——一個在人民文學齣版社工作的阿姨,到江南來玩,帶瞭前四本哈利波特的套裝送給我。當時我算是小學生裏很喜歡看書的瞭,捧著這幾本封麵像油畫,內頁紙又綠綠的奇怪的大書就看瞭起來。 現在想想當時應...
評分最近空閑時間很多,打算把HP係列英文版精讀一遍,整理每一章節的單詞的時候,發現瞭很多有意思的俚語。所以想發到豆瓣上來,分享給有需要的朋友。如果覺得這篇文章有幫助,請多多支持哦。 CHAPTER ONE sorcerer 沒有經過訓練,但存在施法天賦的施法者 wizard 指依靠...
圖書標籤: HarryPotter 英文原版 小說 J.K.Rowling 英國 魔幻 英文 哈利波特
thrilling! 羅琳阿姨應該是很愛吃東西,每一章節都有各種吃吃吃;早中餐要吃,萬聖節要吃,聖誕節要吃,開學要吃,學期結束更要吃!
評分Fear of a name increases fear of the thing itself.——Dumbledore
評分這本小說讓我在地鐵裏強忍著眼淚好多次,畢竟人太多不好意思哭。這一次重讀讓我注意到這本書關於“勇氣”的主題。‘There are all kinds of courage. It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends. 像是在另一本短篇故事集裏羅琳所強調的:“如果要說這些故事證明瞭什麼,那就是英雄氣概能夠以各式各樣的形式展現。無論是萊姆斯·盧平犧牲性命拯救魔法界,或是西瓦諾斯·凱特爾伯在閣樓上朝食死徒扔弗洛伯毛蟲,都屬於英雄事跡。畢竟要成為英雄,並不代錶一定要像格蘭芬多那樣揮劍戰鬥,隻要心持正念,人人都可以是英雄。”英雄不死!
評分這本小說讓我在地鐵裏強忍著眼淚好多次,畢竟人太多不好意思哭。這一次重讀讓我注意到這本書關於“勇氣”的主題。‘There are all kinds of courage. It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends. 像是在另一本短篇故事集裏羅琳所強調的:“如果要說這些故事證明瞭什麼,那就是英雄氣概能夠以各式各樣的形式展現。無論是萊姆斯·盧平犧牲性命拯救魔法界,或是西瓦諾斯·凱特爾伯在閣樓上朝食死徒扔弗洛伯毛蟲,都屬於英雄事跡。畢竟要成為英雄,並不代錶一定要像格蘭芬多那樣揮劍戰鬥,隻要心持正念,人人都可以是英雄。”英雄不死!
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