First published in 1984, a picture book in which the Little Mouse will do all he can to save his strawberry from the Big, Hungry Bear, even if it means sharing it with the reader. The Little Mouse and the Big Hungry Bear are known and loved by millions of children around the world. Little Mouse loves strawberries, but so does the bear...How will Little Mouse stop the bear from eating his freshly picked, red, ripe strawberry.
The Little Mouse, the Red Ripe Strawberry, and the Big Hungry Bear 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載
[點擊 查看音頻視頻] Hello, little Mouse. What are you doing? 嗨,小老鼠,你在做什麼? Oh, I see. Are you going to pick that red, ripe strawberry? 噢,我明白瞭,你要摘這顆又紅又熟的草莓是吧? But, little Mouse, haven’t you heard about the big hungry Bear? ...
評分[點擊 查看音頻視頻] Hello, little Mouse. What are you doing? 嗨,小老鼠,你在做什麼? Oh, I see. Are you going to pick that red, ripe strawberry? 噢,我明白瞭,你要摘這顆又紅又熟的草莓是吧? But, little Mouse, haven’t you heard about the big hungry Bear? ...
評分[點擊 查看音頻視頻] Hello, little Mouse. What are you doing? 嗨,小老鼠,你在做什麼? Oh, I see. Are you going to pick that red, ripe strawberry? 噢,我明白瞭,你要摘這顆又紅又熟的草莓是吧? But, little Mouse, haven’t you heard about the big hungry Bear? ...
評分[點擊 查看音頻視頻] Hello, little Mouse. What are you doing? 嗨,小老鼠,你在做什麼? Oh, I see. Are you going to pick that red, ripe strawberry? 噢,我明白瞭,你要摘這顆又紅又熟的草莓是吧? But, little Mouse, haven’t you heard about the big hungry Bear? ...
評分[點擊 查看音頻視頻] Hello, little Mouse. What are you doing? 嗨,小老鼠,你在做什麼? Oh, I see. Are you going to pick that red, ripe strawberry? 噢,我明白瞭,你要摘這顆又紅又熟的草莓是吧? But, little Mouse, haven’t you heard about the big hungry Bear? ...
圖書標籤: 英文繪本 繪本 英文 英文繪本創意教學 紙質書 寶寶的書 原版 菲菲讀書
評分No matter where it is hidden, or who is guarding it, or how it is disguised. cunning fox!
評分 畫麵明亮,閱讀非常舒服
The Little Mouse, the Red Ripe Strawberry, and the Big Hungry Bear 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載