The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
看到这本名字怪怪的书,心中一凛. 章节从2开始,然后是3,然后是5、7、11…… 慢慢才明白,不是章节数错了,都是质数。 记得前时读过的一本书,说到质数,说到彼此孤独的质数。 心中倏忽一动,如潮涌过…… 留心世界的人,处处都有江山。 这句话从某一个哀伤的故事里读来...
评分这是本有点奇特的书,因为书中的男孩子是个天才型智障。数学好得出奇,脑袋里成天都是数字和图形游戏。 但是怕人多,容易紧张,受刺激了会大叫(有点像雨人) 而且怪癖不少,讨厌黄色,喜欢红色,恪守生活规律,要是规律被打破了就受不了(也像雨人呢,呵呵)。 邻居家的狗被插...
评分阿弗,有着惊人的记忆力和超群的数学天赋。他知道世界上所有国家及其首都的名称,知道7507以内的所有质数,梦想是成为宇航员。他习惯生活在自己的小小世界,不爱跟人说话,对他来说,解决复杂的数学题很容易,理解他人的想法却很难。 一个深夜,他发现邻家小狗威灵顿死在了草坪...
评分这本书,如果尚有可取之处,应该是作者老老实实地在用孩子的视角看世界。更显殊为不易的是,用一个自闭症少年数学天才的视角。 成人总是自以为是地为孩子“解说”世界,用自己喜欢的方式“掩饰”真相,有时甚至滥用权威。 慢慢地看,也许会有一些地方让人记起童年某个“神秘...
图书标签: 暗夜离奇狗事 心理学 fiction 英國 小说 autism 外国文学 英文原版
A fantastically unusual detective story written from the perspective of an autistic boy. Fifteen-year-old Christopher has a photographic memory. He understands maths. He understands science. What he can't understand are other human beings. When he finds his neighbour's dog lying dead on the lawn, he decides to track down the killer and write a murder mystery about it. But what other mysteries will he end up uncovering?
评分"Prime numbers are what is left when you have taken all the patterns away. I think prime numbers are like ilfe. They are very logical but you could never work out the rules, even if you spent all your time thinking about them."
评分#And i know I can do this because i went to London on my own, and because I am the top artist in school, and I have my supportive mom and dad and friend and I was brave and I wrote poems and that means I can do anything.
评分Another book I read about a genius. It just seems like the major conflict hasn’t been solved. Is it really okay for this child to simply forgive his mother who left this family, and to leave his father because of his lies...? I got a bit confused.
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书