Artemis Fowl (Artemis Fowl, Book 1) 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
阿提出新版了。实话说,新版封面比电子工业第二版多了文艺气息,却少了霸气——我倒挺怀念上一版封面的霸气的,因为阿提,就是一个霸气甚至邪恶的小孩儿。这个世界,因为有了各种乖僻而霸气的人,才会有冲突、缠斗、征战、结怨或者泯恩仇,才会变得好玩儿的啊。 嗯,请翻开这...
评分 评分(转自百度贴吧“阿特米斯吧” 吧友221.222.177.*) 一部《哈利•波特》的轰动性成功,引发了全世界出版者对童书空前的激情,这些面向小读者的图书中有创造奇迹的魔法。如果说《哈利•波特》前所未有的成功,电影的支持起到了决定性作用。那么在《哈利•波特》的故乡...
评分 评分《变形计》,一部湖南卫视播出的关注青少年成长教育的节目,一经推出就受到广大观众的追捧。其中一期节目令人印象深刻:叛逆小子李锦鉴,可谓是个步步为虐的熊孩子,所有人都认为他今后的人生旅途将会步入黑暗。就在连他的家人都已经对他不再抱有希望的时候,一次生活角色的切...
图书标签: 英文原版 Mystery Fantasy EoinColfer
Eoin Colfer describes his new book, Artemis Fowl, as "DieHard with fairies." He's not far wrong.Twelve-year-old Artemis Fowl is the most ingenious criminal mastermind inhistory. With two trusty sidekicks in tow, he hatches a cunning plot to divestthe fairyfolk of their pot of gold. Of course, he isn't foolish enough tobelieve in all that "gold at the end of the rainbow" nonsense. Rather, he knowsthat the only way to separate the little people from their stash is to kidnapone of them and wait for the ransom to arrive. But when the time comes to puthis plan into action, he doesn't count on the appearance of the extrasmall,pointy-eared Captain Holly Short of the LEPrecon (Lower Elements PoliceReconnaisance) Unit--and her senior officer, Commander Root, a man (sorry, elf)who will stop at nothing to get her back.Fantastic stuff from beginning to end, Artemis Fowl is a rip-roaring,21st-century romp of the highest order. The author has let his imagination runriot by combining folklore, fantasy, and a fistful of high-tech funk in anoutrageously devilish book that could well do for fairies what Harry Potter hasdone for wizardry. But be warned: this is no gentle frolic, so don't be fooledby the fairy subject matter. Instead, what we have here is well-written,sophisticated, rough 'n' tumble storytelling with enough high-octane attitude tomake it a seriously cool read for anyone over the age of 10. --SusanHarrison
Artemis Fowl (Artemis Fowl, Book 1) 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书