Freedom and Its Betrayal 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
以赛亚﹒伯林的《自由及其背叛》终于算是看完了,有些唏嘘,几百年来,令这些伟大的、聪明睿智的男人们念念不忘、纠结不已的“自由”,竟然是这样的复杂难奈、自相矛盾,或者说:剪不断、理还乱…… 男人们在自己的世界里寻找着自由,在与他人的关系中捍卫着自己感觉或者心目...
评分 评分在爱尔维修的描述里,自由如果包括可以随心所欲地行事,什么都可以做的自由,甚至能够选择毁坏我们自身的自由,假如我们愿意的话——那种自由逐渐被成功的教育铲除。 爱尔维修建立的一套功利主义思想体系,在世界最佳意志的武装之下,在最纯粹的动机的启发之下,实际上去反对不...
评分20世纪50年代,以赛亚.柏林在BBC发表了关于自由主义哲学家的六篇评论演讲。即使在现在看来,这六篇演讲依然颇具启示意义,能够帮助我们廓清许多关于自由的迷思。特将一些重要观点罗记于下。由于尚未读完此书,本篇书摘将不断更新。 政治哲学的核心问题是“为什么任何人都要服从...
评分(写在前面)这篇文章主要是一个总结性的文章,将书中六位思想家的思想和伯林的辩论做一个提炼,再尝试以自己的理解、自己的语言尽量完整地表达出来。一来加深自己的理解,二来供自己以后阅读和温习,不求严谨和正确,只要自己能看懂就差不多了。 一、爱尔维修 从第一位思想家...
图书标签: Politics Philosophy
Isaiah Berlin's celebrated radio lectures on six formative anti-liberal thinkers were delivered on the BBC's Third Programme in 1952. They are published here for the first time, fifty years on. Freedom and its Betrayal is one of Isaiah Berlin's earliest and most convincing expositions of his views on human freedom and the history of ideas, views which later found expression in such famous works as 'Two Concepts of Liberty', and were at the heart of his lifelong work on the Enlightenment and its critics. In his lucid examinations of sometimes difficult ideas Berlin demonstrates that a balanced understanding and a resilient defence of human liberty depend on learning both from the errors of freedom's alleged defenders and from the dark insights of its avowed antagonists. This book throws light on the early development of Berlin's ideas, and supplements his already published writings with fuller treatments of Helvetius, Rousseau, Fichte, Hegel and Saint-Simon, with the ultra-conservative traditionalist Maistre bringing up the rear. Freedom and its Betrayal shows Berlin at his liveliest and most torrentially spontaneous, testifying to his talents as a teacher of rare brilliance and impact. Listeners tuned in expectantly each week to the broadcasts and found themselves mesmerised by Berlin's astonishingly fluent extempore style. A leading historian of ideas, who was then a schoolboy, records that the lectures 'excited me so much that I sat, for every talk, on the floor beside the wireless, taking notes'. This excitement is at last recreated here for all to share.
this is a central doctrine in Maistre: that rationalist notions do not work, if you really want to know why people behave as they do, you must seek the answer in the realm of the irrational, Berlin was interested in how the ideal of liberty so quickly turned into its opposite and how the greatest tyrant often started out as the greatest liberator。。
评分this is a central doctrine in Maistre: that rationalist notions do not work, if you really want to know why people behave as they do, you must seek the answer in the realm of the irrational, Berlin was interested in how the ideal of liberty so quickly turned into its opposite and how the greatest tyrant often started out as the greatest liberator。。
评分this is a central doctrine in Maistre: that rationalist notions do not work, if you really want to know why people behave as they do, you must seek the answer in the realm of the irrational, Berlin was interested in how the ideal of liberty so quickly turned into its opposite and how the greatest tyrant often started out as the greatest liberator。。
评分this is a central doctrine in Maistre: that rationalist notions do not work, if you really want to know why people behave as they do, you must seek the answer in the realm of the irrational, Berlin was interested in how the ideal of liberty so quickly turned into its opposite and how the greatest tyrant often started out as the greatest liberator。。
评分this is a central doctrine in Maistre: that rationalist notions do not work, if you really want to know why people behave as they do, you must seek the answer in the realm of the irrational, Berlin was interested in how the ideal of liberty so quickly turned into its opposite and how the greatest tyrant often started out as the greatest liberator。。
Freedom and Its Betrayal 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书