Book Description
Newly reissued for holiday gift giving, this collection of charmingly weird tales is conjured up from the unique imagination of the acclaimed filmmaker. Full color.
This unassuming hardcover in black buckram with a dark lavender title plate is the door into a world of twisted pleasures. Filmmaker Tim Burton (Edward Scissorhands, Beetlejuice, The Nightmare Before Christmas) tells 23 winsomely macabre stories about boys and girls who don't fit in. Their bodies are misshapen, their habits are odd, and their parents are appalled by them. But they do try hard to be human, like poor unwanted Mummy Boy, who's "a bundle of gauze": he goes for a walk in the park with his mummy dog. Some kids are having "a birthday party for a Mexican girl." They think Mummy Boy is a pi?ata: "They took a baseball bat and whacked open his head. Mummy Boy fell to the ground; he finally was dead. Inside of his head were no candy or prizes, just a few stray beetles of various sizes." For all its simple humor, The Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy & Other Stories is a peculiarly disturbing book about the violence that children suffer. It is illustrated in pen and ink, watercolor, and crayon. The themes and imagery are at a young-adult to adult level.
Book Dimension
length: (cm)19.7 width:(cm)12.8
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試讀過前麵幾個章節,如果你是TIM BURTON的影迷一定會不禁會心而笑,真的閉上眼睛都能感受到他無害的黑暗風格,甚至你會好奇到底他是先把自己黑暗的念頭轉化成文字還是先轉化成電影畫麵,因為兩者都把他的黑暗錶達得這麼麵麵俱到。 正如大多數的繪本一樣...
評分黑色男孩看上去並不是個男孩 他身高類似於正常成年人 略顯瘦削 淡色眼鏡下麵若隱若現一雙深凹且封閉的不管不顧眼睛 亂紮紮的髯須 灰白的頭發一縷縷亂糟糟像極瞭剪刀手 黑色男孩沒有蝙蝠戰車 也沒有從手中噴齣的蜘蛛絲 但是在我眼中他卻擁有瞭不起的超能力 那就是黑色的想象力 ...
評分“醜就在美的身旁,畸形靠近著優美,醜怪藏在崇高背後,善與惡並存,光明與黑暗相伴。” 剛看到《牡蠣男孩憂鬱之死》的書名後,第一時間便想起瞭雨果在《剋倫威爾•序》中說的這麼一句話。看瞭幾頁試讀的PDF以後,更是篤定地將這句話作為瞭打開整體書秘密的一把小鑰匙。 《牡...
評分“醜就在美的身旁,畸形靠近著優美,醜怪藏在崇高背後,善與惡並存,光明與黑暗相伴。” 剛看到《牡蠣男孩憂鬱之死》的書名後,第一時間便想起瞭雨果在《剋倫威爾•序》中說的這麼一句話。看瞭幾頁試讀的PDF以後,更是篤定地將這句話作為瞭打開整體書秘密的一把小鑰匙。 《牡...
評分圖書標籤: 繪本 Tim-Burton TimBurton 美國 漫畫&繪本 漫畫 歐美漫畫 繪本
Words writ in the sand promised Jesus would save. But his memory was lost with one high-tide wave.
評分Tim Burton 奇纔不解釋。
評分Words writ in the sand promised Jesus would save. But his memory was lost with one high-tide wave.
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