Jared Diamond is Professor of Physiology at the University of California, Los Angeles. Trained in physiology, he later took up the study of ecology and has made fundamental contributions to both disciplines. He is among the worlds leading zoologists and experts on birds. He has made many trips to the mountains of New Guinea to study their unique birds, rediscovered their long-lost bowerbird, and advises New Guinea governments on conservation. As well as writing technical articles in his many fields of interest, Jared Diamond writes regularly for popular science journals. He is married, and has twin sons.
This book answers the most obvious, the most important, yet the most difficult question about human history: why history unfolded so differently on different continents. Geography and biography, not race, moulded the contrasting fates of Europeans, Asians, Native Americans, sub-Saharan Africans, and aboriginal Australians. An ambitious synthesis of history, biology, ecology and linguistics, Guns, Germs and Steel is one of the most important and humane works of popular science.
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【讀品】李牧之 如何理解人類的發展史?在挖掘冷冰冰的事實的時候,人們從製度轉型的角度來試圖解釋為什麼會這樣。而政治、經濟與社會則是理解製度轉型最重要的三個方麵。工業革命之前的曆史書寫多以政治、軍事史為主綫,《羅馬帝國衰亡史》的作者吉本就自稱"史書的主題是公共...
評分http://headsalon.org/archives/1530.html 不知何故,對Jared Diamond那本雄心勃勃的《槍炮、病菌與鋼鐵》(Guns, Germs, and Steel)一直不抱多大期望,或許是我對暢銷書有些偏見吧,但這次顯然錯瞭,讀過前幾章,已讓我驚嘆:這正是多年來我所期待的那種曆史研究啊。 年輕...
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評分零、 戴濛德的專業是生物學和新幾內亞人類學考察,除此之外寫的都是科普書,而且前後重復(後麵所有的書不過是擴寫他的第一本書第三種猩猩而已),觀點陳舊(他的人類學理論訓練很可能停留在人類學2.0版本的反思民族誌之前,因此習以為常地使用人類學1.0版本的西方中心論或東方...
圖書標籤: 曆史 人類發展史 人類學 Jared_Diamond civilization 世界史 文化 人類學
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