The Economists 2010年度推薦,FT中文網年度薦書,2011年奧威爾寫作奬提名
Why does the West rule? In this magnum opus, eminent Stanford polymath Ian Morris answers this provocative question, drawing on 50,000 years of history, archeology, and the methods of social science, to make sense of when, how, and why the paths of development differed in the East and West — and what this portends for the 21st century.
There are two broad schools of thought on why the West rules. Proponents of "Long-Term Lock-In" theories such as Jared Diamond suggest that from time immemorial, some critical factor— geography, climate, or culture perhaps — made East and West unalterably different, and determined that the industrial revolution would happen in the West and push it further ahead of the East. But the East led the West between 500 and 1600, so this development can't have been inevitable; and so proponents of "Short-Term Accident" theories argue that Western rule was a temporary aberration that is now coming to an end, with Japan, China, and India resuming their rightful places on the world stage. However, as the West led for 9,000 of the previous 10,000 years, it wasn't just a temporary aberration. So, if we want to know why the West rules, we need a whole new theory. Ian Morris, boldly entering the turf of Jared Diamond and Niall Ferguson, provides the broader approach that is necessary, combining the textual historian's focus on context, the anthropological archaeologist's awareness of the deep past, and the social scientist's comparative methods to make sense of the past, present, and future— in a way no one has ever done before.
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解碼東西文明的前世今生 文/王傳言 【《西方將主宰多久》,伊恩·莫裏斯著,錢峰譯,中信齣版社,2014年5月】 對於人類曆史的發展,無數曆史學傢都進行自身解讀。有的從編年體的角度,將人類曆史的每個過程都涉及其中,比如斯塔夫裏阿諾斯的《全球通史》;有的從世界各個民...
評分春節期間看完瞭這本書的中文版,譯者錢峰,書名為《西方將主宰多久——從曆史的發展模式看世界的未來》。說實話,譯筆真的很一般,僅從書名的翻譯就可以看齣一二。 WHY THE WEST RULES FOR NOW,直接譯過來就是“為什麼現在統治世界的是西方”,副標題The Patterns of History ...
評分 評分世界中心一直在轉移。“曆史發端於蘇美爾”,當生活在兩河流域的蘇美爾人開始創造文字,締造城市時,最初的世界中心便在兩河流域。這一塊土地上誕生瞭不少偉大文明,蘇美爾、巴比倫、亞述、赫梯…… 下一個世界中心轉移到瞭非洲,是埃及。美尼斯統一上下埃及,他的後人們營建金...
圖書標籤: 曆史 中西文化 社會學 政治 英文原版 文化 比較政治 history
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