Richard Peace is Emeritus Professor of Russian at Bristol University. He is the author of Dostoevsky: An Examination of his Major Novels.
Crime and Punishment 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
青年拉斯科尼科夫杀了两个人,一个是计划内的,一个是计划外的。事实上,在整个犯罪过程中充满了计划外因素,某种恐惧使他连大门没关这个严重的事实都忽略了。放下斧头那一刻起他就崩溃了:“难道是我杀死了老太婆吗?我杀死了我自己,而不是老太婆。” 拉斯科尼科夫...
评分为方便叙述,我把人的精神意识大致分成两个部分: 其一属于原始本能,是先天的,是生存、性交、权力的欲望,成为强者,征服世界,这是生命冲动和激情,是外向的、侵略性的,完全忠于个体,在不同物种身上表现得比较一致。 其二属于伦理道德,是后天的、理性的结果,它服从于种...
评分 评分第一次读陀思妥耶夫斯基的小说,他的文笔很平淡普通,没有什么华丽的词藻,没有什么经过太多抽象的分析的东西,但很真实,读着也很舒服,总比那些内容空洞只有无意义的词语堆砌的东西值得一读。 这本书,吸引我的,内容是一方面,另外一方面便是大段大段的内心独白。陀的...
图书标签: Dostoyevsky 陀思妥耶夫斯基 小说 俄罗斯 外国文学 文学 俄国 literature
Crime and Punishment is the story of a murder committed on principle, of a killer who wishes by his action to set himself outside and above society. A novel of fearful tension, physical, and psychological, it is pervaded by Dostoevsky's sinister evocation of St Petersburg, yet in the life of its gloomy tenements and drink-shops provides moments of wild humour. Crime and Punishment was marked by Dostoevsky's own harrowing experiences. He had himself undergone interrogation and trial, and was condemned to death, a sentence commuted to penal servitude. In prison he was particularly impressed by one hardened murderer who seemed to have attained a spiritual equilibrium beyond good and evil: yet witnessing the misery of other convicts also engendered in Dostoevsky a belief in the Christian idea of salvation through suffering.
2011.12.10 Finally. Very well done psychological description that expands a 2 wks story into a 500 pgs great book. A good man astrayed by misfortune and wounded pride. Ending doesn't appeal to me for the sudden occurrence of hope. ps:老华当年的推荐哟。
评分小时候在某个大人的桌上就看见过横放着的《罪与罚》厚厚的一本让人望而生畏 陀思妥耶夫斯基的书是第一次看 果然是大师之作 罪 罚就两个字 陀夫凭一己之力让读者去顿悟
Crime and Punishment 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书