亞曆剋斯·愛潑斯坦(Alex Epstein)有長達十年的劇本策劃和開發經驗。他從耶魯大學和加州大學洛杉磯分校畢業後,曾在三傢獨立製片公司擔任過副總裁,在這期間負責交涉劇本期權、組織劇本寫作、聘用編劇並同所有大製片廠和經紀公司閤作開發和包裝項目。除此以外,愛潑斯 坦的劇本受到如《甘地傳》《周六夜狂歡》等影片、綜藝節目的導演的賞識,最終被拍攝成電影和電視劇。同時作者還有一個劇本網站:www.craftyscreenwriting.com。
賈誌傑,電影劇本專傢和劇本醫生。曾赴美攻讀英美和比較文學,1998 年創建哈佛大學中國電影計劃。2003 年迴國任北京世紀喜訊文化傳播有限公司總策劃;2009 年任職文化中國傳媒集團,負責電影劇本開發及海外閤作業務;現任新文化傳媒集團北京分公司劇本開發總監。策劃影片包括《有種你愛我》《警察故事2013》《我知女人心》《看上去很美》和《雞犬不寜》等。
The most innovative and creative screenwriting book yet, from an author who knows first-hand what it takes to get a movie made. Based on an award-winning website hailed as "smart enough for professional screenwriters and accessible enough for aspiring screenwriters," "Crafty Screenwriting "is the first book not only to offer a successful screenwriter's tricks of the trade, but to explain what development executives really mean when they complain that the "dialogue is flat," or "the hero isn't likeable." Fresh, provocative, and funny, Alex Epstein diagnoses problem that other screenwriting books barely address, and answers questions they rarely ask, like "Why is it sometimes dangerous to know your characters too well before you start writing," or "Why does your script have to be so much better than the awful pictures that get made every day?" As a development executive who has accepted and rejected countless screenplays, and a produced screenwriter himself, Epstein can take you into the heart of the most important question of all: "Is this a movie?" A crucial book for anyone who has ever wondered what it takes to get their movie made.
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圖書標籤: 編劇 英文原版
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