Jack McIver Weatherford is the former DeWitt Wallace Professor of anthropology at Macalester College in Minnesota. He is best known for his 2004 book, Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World. In 2006, he was awarded the Order of the Polar Star, Mongolia’s highest national honor for foreigners.
His books in the late 20th century on the influence of Native American cultures have been translated into numerous languages. In addition to publishing chapters and reviews in academic books and journals, Weatherford has published numerous articles in national newspapers to popularize his historic and anthropological coverage of Native American cultures, as well as the American political culture in Congress in the 20th century. He has become a frequent commentator on TV and radio.
The Mongol army led by Genghis Khan subjugated more lands and people in twenty-?ve years than the Romans did in four hundred. In nearly every country the Mongols conquered, they brought an unprecedented rise in cultural communication, expanded trade, and a blossoming of civilization. Vastly more progressive than his European or Asian counterparts, Genghis Khan abolished torture, granted universal religious freedom, and smashed feudal systems of aristocratic privilege. From the story of his rise through the tribal culture to the explosion of civilization that the Mongol Empire unleashed, this brilliant work of revisionist history is nothing less than the epic story of how the modern world was made.
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在沒有成吉思汗之前,濛古隻是一個活躍於貝加爾湖東南,肯特山脈之間的幾個小部族。他們以血族關係維持著原始的部族關係,以血脈關係建立權力基礎,以血脈關係分配資源包括繁衍後代的權力,血族關係淩駕於任何社會關係之上。 他們南鄰乾燥戈壁,北接廣袤的中西伯利亞高原,與世...
評分整理瞭一下忽必烈在位期間 在政治 民生上相比宋朝而言顯而易見的進步之處 其中部分內容即便是今日再看也是相當超前的 甚至有些人道主義精神的苗頭 比如帶薪公務員 普及教育 廢棄死刑 醫療賠償等等 1.法律規定破産條例 (濛古法律規定可以宣布破産,但為防止利用它來逃避債務...
評分這是一個美國人學的關於成吉思汗的書,而且在美國是關於成吉思汗最熱銷的書。看完以後,發現書中很多觀點比較新穎,是自己包括曆史老師很少談到的。也決絕瞭一些睏惑: 第一知道,當時濛古隻有100萬人口,卻居然能打敗數百倍人口的中國、印度、中亞和歐洲(1個濛古人對應1000...
評分幾點囫圇吞棗的猜想: 1.如果不算日本在太平洋戰爭的失利,濛古是亞洲世界最後的輝煌。不要忘瞭那個意氣風發的時代,隻有腐朽之物纔尋求安逸,年輕人永遠貪婪並且樂衷於毀滅。 2.世界始終是在武力之下殘忍地角逐,成吉思汗首先是一個一等一的勇士,然後又很幸運地兼具瞭極其優...
圖書標籤: 曆史 濛古史 濛古 History 英文原版 美國 非小說類 原版
“God gives different ways to man as different fingers to hand." 曆史不是死在玻璃容器的植物標本,它不能被扁平的紙張完美而真實地畫齣來。相反,它在不同的社會和個體中被賦有的生命和可能截然不同的意義。一個曆史事件,不會在發生的日期上瞬間停止,它仍然在影響著我們的世界直到未來未完成。
評分故事是說的很好的,可是怎麼能用來當課本呢?! 這不就是傳說中赤果果的野史麼?
評分what the fuck
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