Lust for Life 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
他终身未婚,24岁第一次恋爱被拒,愤而去申请做牧师,但并不成功,在失败的实习牧师生涯中开始业余自学画画,28岁第二次恋爱被拒,决心选择画家为职业,这让除了他弟弟外的所有人都无法理解,毕竟一个正常人不会选择在28岁开始做画家的。 他一生穷困潦倒,只能依赖弟弟资助才...
评分 评分凡高原本只是因为价值连城的名画而进入我的视野,但那本渴望生活却让我真正为他所感动,为他那种对艺术的执着和热情,为他那种对生命的热爱和渴求,为他灵魂深处的激情。他在用自己的生命在作画,在书写着自己的艺术史和心灵史。 凡高的画总有着自己鲜明的特征,但他那从传统...
评分有个习惯,喜欢摘抄一本书里自己喜欢的部分。 ------------------------------------------------------ 我有时候自己挣面包,有时候却靠朋友发善心资助,确实,我已失去了许多人的信任,我的经济状况糟的很,前途也一片暗淡,难道那就一定是堕落吗?我一定要沿着我所选择的路...
图书标签: 传记 梵高 英文原版 VincentVanGogh 艺术 英文 小说 Irving_Stone
No artist has been more ruthlessly driven by his creative urge, nor more isolated by it from most ordinary sources of human happiness, than Vincent Van Gogh. A painter of genius, his life was an incessant struggle against poverty, discouragement, madness and despair. Lust for Life skilfully captures the exciting atmosphere of the Paris of the Post-Impressionists and reconstructs with great insight the development of Van Gogh's art. The painter is brought to life not only as an artist but as a personality and this account of his violent, vivid and tormented life is a novel of rare compassion and vitality.
每看到梵高的生活有所好转就掩卷不忍读下去,不忍看到之后更悲惨的生活,为妓女咬掉耳朵、和高更决裂、在精神院自杀……作者细节勾勒得非常详细生动。加歇医生引用亚里士多德的话评论梵高“No excellent soul is exempt from a mixture of madness”,就是“不疯魔,不成活”么。
评分欧文斯通深入到了梵高的灵魂里。他的小说建立在提奥和梵高近千封书信,梵高所居故地考察和对相关重点人物极其后代的采访之上。其传记小说高于普通传记。在书中能一点点的和梵高感受艺术,感受梵高眼中的跳动着生命色彩的世界,从梵高的角度去理解印象画派。最最重要的,能够知道梵高是borinage的耶稣,是艺术的殉道者,是残酷现实生活的被鞭挞者。但他LUST FOR LIFE. 他将自然的本质和生命的本质永远保存在画卷上。colors changing hue. i could have told you Vincent , this world was never meant for one as beautiful as you .
评分It's not Van Gogh, it's Vincent.
评分van gogh
Lust for Life 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书