Coleman Silk has a secret. But it's not the secret of his affair, at seventy-one, with a woman half his age. And it's not the secret of his alleged racism, which provoked the college witchhunt that cost him his job. Coleman's secret is deeper, and lies at the very core of who he is, and he has kept it hidden from everyone for fifty years. Set in 1998, with the backdrop of the impeachment of a president, "The Human Stain" shows us an America where conflicting moralities and ideological divisions result in public denunciations and houndings, and where innocence is not always a good enough excuse.
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讀得第一本羅斯的書。感覺翻譯得不是很好,讀起來有些拗口。 1. 每個人都擁有自己的秘密,秘密就是你需要更多的謊言去填補的東西。對於科爾曼來說,他的秘密就是隱藏瞭自己黑人血統的真相,與傢人一刀兩斷,僞裝成一個白人,進入中産階級知識分子隊伍,做瞭一個體麵的大學教授...
評分讀得第一本羅斯的書。感覺翻譯得不是很好,讀起來有些拗口。 1. 每個人都擁有自己的秘密,秘密就是你需要更多的謊言去填補的東西。對於科爾曼來說,他的秘密就是隱藏瞭自己黑人血統的真相,與傢人一刀兩斷,僞裝成一個白人,進入中産階級知識分子隊伍,做瞭一個體麵的大學教授...
評分教授被指控犯有種族歧視罪,僅僅因為從未齣席他課程、學業成績低劣的兩位黑人學生說:“我不願去上他的課,因為這位教授身上散發著濃烈的種族歧視的氣息。” 明處和隱藏在暗處的敵人和競爭對手彆有居心地跳齣來人身攻擊這位教授,使他百口莫辯。所有人都為瞭自己骯髒的利益,乾...
評分菲利普羅斯的美國三部麯花瞭三個星期的時間讀完,平均下來也就是一個星期一本的樣子。對我而言可以算是一個較快的閱讀速度瞭。三本書的閱讀順序分彆是《美國牧歌》、《我嫁給瞭共産黨人》以及《人性的汙穢》。 美國小說傢似乎都有股鄉土情結而且都很有野心都想寫...
圖書標籤: Roth 美國文學 小說 american Philip Jewish 2001 美國·小說
一個巨大的秘密支撐的搖搖欲墜的人生,一場從巔峰墮入榖底的美國悲劇。a human-raised crow that doesn't know how to be a crow, 正是對Coleman的一個絕佳隱喻。
評分一個巨大的秘密支撐的搖搖欲墜的人生,一場從巔峰墮入榖底的美國悲劇。a human-raised crow that doesn't know how to be a crow, 正是對Coleman的一個絕佳隱喻。
評分He can play his skin,color himself just as he like~~~a nigger has silky skin...... but his life is a tragedy
評分He can play his skin,color himself just as he like~~~a nigger has silky skin...... but his life is a tragedy
評分He can play his skin,color himself just as he like~~~a nigger has silky skin...... but his life is a tragedy
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