This multivolume work is widely recognized as the definitive description of classical computer science. The first three volumes have for decades been an invaluable resource in programming theory and practice for students, researchers, and practitioners alike. The bible of all fundamental algorithms and the work that taught many of today's software developers most of what they know about computer programming. --Byte, September 1995 Countless readers have spoken about the profound personal influence of Knuth's work. Scientists have marveled at the beauty and elegance of his analysis, while ordinary programmers have successfully applied his "cookbook" solutions to their day-to-day problems. All have admired Knuth for the breadth, clarity, accuracy, and good humor found in his books. I can't begin to tell you how many pleasurable hours of study and recreation they have afforded me! I have pored over them in cars, restaurants, at work, at home! and even at a Little League game when my son wasn't in the line-up. --Charles Long Primarily written as a reference, some people have nevertheless found it possible and interesting to read each volume from beginning to end.A programmer in China even compared the experience to reading a poem. If you think you're a really good programmer! read [Knuth's] Art of Computer Programming! You should definitely send me a resume if you can read the whole thing. --Bill Gates Whatever your background, if you need to do any serious computer programming, you will find your own good reason to make each volume in this series a readily accessible part of your scholarly or professional library. It's always a pleasure when a problem is hard enough that you have to get the Knuths off the shelf. I find that merely opening one has a very useful terrorizing effect on computers. --Jonathan Laventhol For the first time in more than 20 years, Knuth has revised all three books to reflect more recent developments in the field. His revisions focus specifically on those areas where knowledge has converged since publication of the last editions, on problems that have been solved, on problems that have changed. In keeping with the authoritative character of these books, all historical information about previous work in the field has been updated where necessary.Consistent with the author's reputation for painstaking perfection, the rare technical errors in his work, discovered by perceptive and demanding readers, have all been corrected. Hundreds of new exercises have been added to raise new challenges. 0201485419B04062001
The Art of Computer Programming, Volumes 1-3 Boxed Set 2024 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載
想讀這本書的話, 要騰齣大量的時間! 本來想每天晚上睡覺前翻翻,看看. 但發現這樣不行...
評分1. 高德納曾在自傳開頭幽默地發問:“Donald Knuth真的隻是一個人麼?”作為現代計算機科學的鼻祖,他完成瞭編譯程序、屬性文法和運算法則等領域的前沿研究,齣版專著17部,發錶論文150餘篇(涉及巴比倫算法、聖經、字母“s”的曆史等諸多內容),寫齣兩個數字排版係統,同時...
評分評分僅針對於這個版本(黑皮精裝英文第三版) 當然我說的質量問題不是指書的內容,說這套書是計算機科學領域中史詩般的著作真是一點也不為過。正因為我是如此喜愛這套書,纔愈發的忍受不瞭這樣糟糕的裝訂質量,書還沒讀到一半,就開始脫膠,等書讀完時書芯都差不多快要掉下來...
圖書標籤: 算法 計算機科學 Programming 計算機 經典 編程 Knuth Algorithm
評分# 高德納 TAOCP 2018-1-12 10:32:36 具體數學: 計算機科學基礎 [應該怎樣讀TAOCP]( 沒有哪本專業書是不能跳著讀的 TAOCP並不是給初學者看的 讀TAOCP的前提, 就是自己至少比較清楚輕重緩急, 可以大概判斷哪些是根本, 哪些已過時, 哪些是炫技 它的魅力經得起時間考驗 崇拜從事大型軟件項目的人 編程和宗教很像: 覺得它確實好用 如果不能自己寫庫, 那編程還有什麼樂趣可言呢? 文學編程: 提供瞭一種能在自然語言和形式化語言之間自由切換, 並能把它們結閤在一起的天然框架 如何剋服煩躁和痛苦: 將測試納入思維框架 閱讀源代碼很讓人頭疼怎麼辦? -> 但是它值
評分# 高德納 TAOCP 2018-1-12 10:32:36 具體數學: 計算機科學基礎 [應該怎樣讀TAOCP]( 沒有哪本專業書是不能跳著讀的 TAOCP並不是給初學者看的 讀TAOCP的前提, 就是自己至少比較清楚輕重緩急, 可以大概判斷哪些是根本, 哪些已過時, 哪些是炫技 它的魅力經得起時間考驗 崇拜從事大型軟件項目的人 編程和宗教很像: 覺得它確實好用 如果不能自己寫庫, 那編程還有什麼樂趣可言呢? 文學編程: 提供瞭一種能在自然語言和形式化語言之間自由切換, 並能把它們結閤在一起的天然框架 如何剋服煩躁和痛苦: 將測試納入思維框架 閱讀源代碼很讓人頭疼怎麼辦? -> 但是它值
評分# 高德納 TAOCP 2018-1-12 10:32:36 具體數學: 計算機科學基礎 [應該怎樣讀TAOCP]( 沒有哪本專業書是不能跳著讀的 TAOCP並不是給初學者看的 讀TAOCP的前提, 就是自己至少比較清楚輕重緩急, 可以大概判斷哪些是根本, 哪些已過時, 哪些是炫技 它的魅力經得起時間考驗 崇拜從事大型軟件項目的人 編程和宗教很像: 覺得它確實好用 如果不能自己寫庫, 那編程還有什麼樂趣可言呢? 文學編程: 提供瞭一種能在自然語言和形式化語言之間自由切換, 並能把它們結閤在一起的天然框架 如何剋服煩躁和痛苦: 將測試納入思維框架 閱讀源代碼很讓人頭疼怎麼辦? -> 但是它值
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