The inventor of C++ presents the definitive insider's guide to the design and development of the C++ programming language. Without ommitting critical details or getting bogged down in technicalities, Stroustrup presents his unique insights into the decisions that shaped C++. Every C++ programmer will benefit from Stroustrup's explanations of the 'why's' behind C++ from the earliest features, such as the original class concept, to the latest extensions, such as new casts and explicit template instantiation. Some C++ design decisions have been universally praised, while others remain controversial, and debated vigorously; still other features have been rejected based on experimentation. In this book, Stroustrup dissects many of these decisions to present a case study in "real object- oriented language development" for the working programmer. In doing so, he presents his views on programming and design in a concrete and useful way that makes this book a must-buy for every C++ programmer. Features*Written by the inventor of C++ Stroustrup *Provides insights into the design decisions which shaped C++. *Gives technical summaries of C++.* Discusses the latest language features: templates, exceptions, run-time type information, and namespaces. *Presents Stroustrup's unique programming and design views. 0201543303B04062001
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C++的曆史很長瞭,長到能夠寫一本書瞭。這本書配閤著《Masterminds of Programming》看效果會更好。 語言也不是一成不變的。不同的時代,即使在同一領域也總會齣現不同的挑戰。C的確是C++的包袱。看看現在的C++代碼,再看看這本書裏作為例子的C++代碼,是不是又大不相同?94年...
評分 評分C++適閤構造程序中需求較穩定的部分,需求變化較大的部分可使用腳本語言; 程序須盡量發揮硬件的最高性能,且性能瓶頸在於CPU和內存; 程序須頻繁地與操作係統或硬件溝通; 程序必須使用C++框架/庫,如大部分遊戲引擎(如Unreal/Source)及中間件(如Havok/FMOD),雖然有些C++...
評分終於在深夜的時候看完,閤上書本,就覺得被 C++ 之父 Bjarne Stroustrup 感動瞭。看吧,從 C++ 的誕生,其設計與演化的時間綫(第 1 部分),經曆的每一個重大改進(第 2 部分),都清清楚楚地展現瞭齣來。難能可貴的是,在期間那些偉大的專傢們的精妙思想,熱烈的討論都很清晰...
評分這本書是C++作者對C++曆史的敘述,也是外界各種吐槽背後的一種解釋,C++為什麼是今天這個樣子,C++的標準的演化過程是如何,模闆技術,異常技術為什麼會加入的C++中,以及如何加入的,等等,這些問題的答案你都可以這本書裏找到。 那麼你在意麼? 你會在意這些問題麼?如果在意...
圖書標籤: C++ c++ 編程 programming 計算機 C/C++ 經典 Design
評分行文 風格 跟c++ 一樣 .....根本沒有簡潔的意圖 c++的誕生和背後的想法
The Design and Evolution of C++ 2024 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載