Patricia Highsmith (1921–1995) was the author of more than twenty novels, including Strangers on a Train, The Price of Salt, The Blunderer and The Talented Mr. Ripley, as well as numerous short stories.
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【图文并茂版】 【多图】 【疯狂剧透】【剧透】 自从在电影院看到《卡罗尔》的预告后,就沉迷其中无法自拔了。一开始打算苦苦等电影出来不给自己剧透的,还是手贱把书读了。本来自己读英文很慢,慢慢悠悠看了两天才看了十分之一,...
评分卡罗尔就像她身上的秘密, 扩散到整座房子里, 也像一道光, 只有她才看得见。 相比书的封面中那些最佳影片原著或奥斯卡影后等商业噱头,更喜欢封底上两人对视中表达的无尽暧 昧,然后就是上面那句。 从严格意义上来说,《 卡罗尔》(carol)应该是第一部我...
评分卡罗尔,不止是撩妹高手那么简单 读完原著,我的第一感觉就是,看过电影的人一定要买本原著读读。电影版《卡罗尔》的遗珠之憾,在于人物刻画过于扁平化,带给人一种错觉,大魔王凯特·布兰切特所饰演的卡罗尔,似乎只是一个声音磁性魅惑,能把直女也掰弯的撩妹高手。在帕特里夏...
评分看完原著后的恍然。 《Carol》电影是好的,两位女主的选择是传说中前无后无那种的,但对于这个故事表现而言也真是局限的。在爱情这个隆重的前提下,Carol和Therese是绝对的平等,与年龄无关,非要扯上经历的话,讲真也跟经历没几毛钱关系。谁也不比谁多娴熟,多技巧。她们在遇...
评分《卡罗尔》这本写于1952年美国小说,放在21世纪初的中国依然不过时,它是一本关于女性学会如何独立、学会如何去爱的小说。在莉莉安·法德曼的女同研究专著 《Odd Girls and Twilight Lovers》中,我们可以看到50年代美国女同的社会背景。20世纪50年代,美国麦卡锡主义盛行,社...
图书标签: 爱情小说 海史密斯 爱情 女同性恋
A great American writer…Highsmith's writing is wicked…it puts a spell on you." —Entertainment Weekly
Patricia Highsmith's story of romantic obsession may be one of the most important, but still largely unrecognized, novels of the twentieth century. First published in 1952 and touted as "the novel of a love that society forbids," the book soon became a cult classic.
Based on a true story plucked from Highsmith's own life, Carol tells the riveting drama of Therese Belivet, a stage designer trapped in a department-store day job, whose routine is forever shattered by a gorgeous epiphany—the appearance of Carol Aird, a customer who comes in to buy her daughter a Christmas toy. Therese begins to gravitate toward the alluring suburban housewife, who is trapped in a marriage as stultifying as Therese's job. They fall in love and set out across the United States, ensnared by society's confines and the imminent disapproval of others, yet propelled by their infatuation. Carol is a brilliantly written story that may surprise Highsmith fans and will delight those discovering her work.
Now a major motion picture
阅读快感来自一种非母语的语言。 节奏驾驭非常精彩,让我几乎一口气看完。
评分阅读快感来自一种非母语的语言。 节奏驾驭非常精彩,让我几乎一口气看完。
评分阅读快感来自一种非母语的语言。 节奏驾驭非常精彩,让我几乎一口气看完。
评分阅读快感来自一种非母语的语言。 节奏驾驭非常精彩,让我几乎一口气看完。
The Price of Salt 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书