Refactoring 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
无论你是初出江湖的编码小农,还是深耕多年的程序大牛,这本书都值得你深度品读。 常常我们说的代码简洁性、易读性、健壮性,都并非一日之功,需要在日常的迭代中不断持续的进行重构,重构的事情我们常常挂在嘴边,却往往无从下手,本书以作者丰富的编程经验和思想,总结了一套...
评分 评分整体通俗易懂, 翻译过程有些小错, 不知道有没有勘误表 (1)184页下面范例跳了好几步 (2)187页范例, 数组说三个元素,代码只列出两个, "失败场次"没有了, (3)282页, 的代码sentAlert()函数好像有问题, 变成递归了. (4)306页, Raname Method明显是印刷错误了.
评分第一遍于两年前, 让我了解到bad smell们, 还有那冗长的手法catalog. 最近第二遍, 回顾过去, 虽然bad smell的提示和重构操作已经完全融入现代IDE中了, 但总结下来它对我的影响还有如下: 1.我常常通过重构来加深对代码的理解. 2.让我变成一个十足的代码洁癖者, "刻"代码上瘾...
评分无容置疑,这是一本经典的书,正如推荐所说,是这本书让重构这个看似高深莫测的话题走进了寻常程序员的世界。 可是我们不得不注意这本书的出版日期,是七八年前,和设计模式一样,当年的设计模式那是高手的工具,开口闭口带那么一两句,工厂,单例,会让人对你崇拜至死。可是...
图书标签: 重构 refactoring Programming 软件工程 编程 计算机 程序设计 经典
Refactoring is about improving the design of existing code. It is the process of changing a software system in such a way that it does not alter the external behavior of the code, yet improves its internal structure. With refactoring you can even take a bad design and rework it into a good one. This book offers a thorough discussion of the principles of refactoring, including where to spot opportunities for refactoring, and how to set up the required tests. There is also a catalog of more than 40 proven refactorings with details as to when and why to use the refactoring, step by step instructions for implementing it, and an example illustrating how it works The book is written using Java as its principle language, but the ideas are applicable to any OO language.
深受legacy code之苦
评分深受legacy code之苦
评分这本书应该叫How to write proper code啊
评分深受legacy code之苦
Refactoring 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书