弗朗西斯·福山(Francis Fukuyama):日裔美籍学者,哈佛大学政治学博士,现任美国斯坦福大学弗里曼·斯伯格里国际问题研究所奥利弗·诺梅里尼高级研究员,此前曾任教于约翰·霍普金斯大学尼兹高等国际研究院、乔治·梅森大学公共政策学院,曾任美国国务院政策企划局副局长、兰德公司研究员。著有《历史的终结与最后的人》、《信任》、《政治秩序的起源》等。现居加利福尼亚。
Our Posthuman Future 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
前段时间,看了理想国译丛的《我们的后人类未来》,看完后,对生物科学甚是崇敬。刚好一位朋友抱怨,她被一位同学催婚、催生。她生气地说:“接了婚又怎么样?接了婚是生活,不结婚也是生活。” 是的,接了婚是生活,不结婚也是生活。生孩子是生活,不生孩子也是生活。自己开心...
评分 评分图书标签: 达尔文主义 福山 社会生物学 達爾文主義 英文版 自由 美國 美亚有售
A decade after his now-famous pronouncement of "the end of history," Francis Fukuyama argues that as a result of biomedical advances, we are facing the possibility of a future in which our humanity itself will be altered beyond recognition. Fukuyama sketches a brief history of man's changing understanding of human nature: from Plato and Aristotle to the modernity's utopians and dictators who sought to remake mankind for ideological ends. Fukuyama argues that the ability to manipulate the DNA of all of one person's descendants will have profound, and potentially terrible, consequences for our political order, even if undertaken with the best of intentions. In "Our Posthuman Future," one of our greatest social philosophers begins to describe the potential effects of genetic exploration on the foundation of liberal democracy: the belief that human beings are equal by nature.
评分有许多简单化的假设,但对pain and suffering作为人性必要的组成部分的讨论很好。想起米兰昆德拉:The heavier the burden, the closer our lives come to the earth, the more real and truthful they become.
Our Posthuman Future 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书