A guide to unit testing Java applications (including J2EE applications) using the JUnit framework and its extensions, this book provides techniques for solving real-world problems such as unit testing legacy applications, writing real tests for real objects, automating tests, testing in isolation, and unit testing J2EE and database applications. Using a sample-driven approach, various unit testing strategies are covered, such as how to unit test EJBs, database applications, JSPs, and Taglibs. Also addressed are testing strategies using freely available open source frameworks and tools, and how to unit test in isolation with Mock Objects. Testing J2EE applications by running tests from inside the container for performing integration unit tests is discussed, as is how to automate unit testing in automated builds (such as Ant and Maven) for performing continuous integration.
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評分前言:測試不是最終的目的。 為什麼要單元測試: 1 能為我們帶來重構的勇氣。從而實現快速迭代,漸進式開發。 2 降低對調試的需求。 3 改進實現設計。 如何孤立的測試每個部分: 1 stub策略允許你孤立的測試粗粒度的代碼部分。寫代碼模擬需求環境或者還沒有寫完的真實代...
評分JUnit4加入瞭不少東西的,應該都在第二版裏麵提到 此外,第二版還介紹瞭如何與Maven和Hudson集成等等 見:http://www.manning.com/tahchiev/
圖書標籤: junit java 測試 單元測試 編程 技術 軟件開發 軟件工藝
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