科马克·麦卡锡Cormac McCarthy(1933— ),美国作家、剧作家。生于美国罗得岛州。一九三七年随家迁至田纳西州诺克斯维尔。一九五一至一九五二年于田纳西大学主修文科。一九五三年,加入美国空军,服役四年。一九五七年重返田纳西大学,期间在学生报纸上发表了两篇短篇小说。一九六一年,麦卡锡举家迁移至芝加哥,在那里写下了他的第一部小说《果园守门人》。
No Country for Old Men 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
文字内容还是很不错的,麦卡锡的无引号对话还翻得可以。注解很...很用力,基本只要是能注解的都注解了,包括休斯顿... 说下主要缺点,译者很明显对轻武器毫无了解,而且没怎么去核对。最不可原谅的失误就是散弹枪的口径问题,12号口径是18.5mm,他翻的.12英寸,这种子弹能打死...
评分 评分//@西电毕业生: //@曹元勇: @上海译文 //@陈赖汉:小说《老无所依》其实是由两部分组成,一部分就是我们在电影中看到的部分,除了最后一部分没拍出来,其他电影里都体现了。还有一部分非常重要,电影里基本没表现,就是老警长贝尔的独白。这部分文字大约占了全书四分之一。读懂...
评分 评分图书标签: 外国文学 Western 英文 美国文学 美国 文学 anglais Solidays
Set in our own time along the bloody frontier between Texas and Mexico, this is Cormac McCarthy’s first novel since Cities of the Plain completed his acclaimed, best-selling Border Trilogy .
Llewelyn Moss, hunting antelope near the Rio Grande, instead finds men shot dead, a load of heroin, and more than $2 million in cash. Packing the money out, he knows, will change everything. But only after two more men are murdered does a victim’s burning car lead Sheriff Bell to the carnage out in the desert, and he soon realizes how desperately Moss and his young wife need protection. One party in the failed transaction hires an ex–Special Forces officer to defend his interests against a mesmerizing freelancer, while on either side are men accustomed to spectacular violence and mayhem. The pursuit stretches up and down and across the border, each participant seemingly determined to answer what one asks another: how does a man decide in what order to abandon his life?
A harrowing story of a war that society is waging on itself, and an enduring meditation on the ties of love and blood and duty that inform lives and shape destinies, No Country for Old Men is a novel of extraordinary resonance and power.
most accessible Cormac Mccarthy
评分感觉全美国的红脖子哲学家都他妈集中到这片土地上了,剂量太大读完一时半会缓不过来。警长夫妇、Moss夫妇、两个杀手,每个角色我都非常喜欢。爱情意外的深沉。对白绝赞不乏one liner,这文风自带口音必须读英文啊。证明了不是非得颠覆惊险悬疑小说结构才能把它写成纯文学。
评分礼崩乐坏、人心不古,社会总在巨变,older generations 都难免备受煎熬。70后、80后,发发呆,想想以前,都能找到本书的共鸣。但,有什么卵用?
No Country for Old Men 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书