保羅•鮑爾斯(Paul Bowles,1910—1999)
When The Sheltering Sky was first published in 1949, it established Paul Bowles as one of the most singular and promising writers of the postwar generation. Its startlingly original vision has withstood the test of time and confirmed Tennessee Williams's early estimation: "The Sheltering Sky alone of the books that I have . . . read by American authors appears to bear the spiritual imprint of recent history in the western world." In this classic work of psychological terror, Bowles examines the ways in which Americans apprehend an alien culture and the ways in which their incomprehension destroys them.</P>
The story of three worldly young travelers Port Moresby, his wife, Kit, and their friend, Tunner--adrift in the cities and deserts of North Africa after World War II, The Sheltering Sky is merciless in its evocation of the emotional dislocation induced by a foreign setting. As the Americans embark on an ill-fated journey through desolate terrain, they are pushed to the limits of human reason and intelligence by the unfathomable emptiness and impassive cruelty of the desert. Along the way, they encounter a host of enigmatic characters whose inarticulate strangeness seals the travelers off even more completely from the culture in which they are traveling, causing their fierce attachments to one another to unravel.</P>
This special fiftieth anniversary commemorative edition of Bowles's unforgettable first novel includes the original New York Times review by Tennessee Williams and a preface the author wrote for his first novel before he died in 1999.</P>
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坐落在北非盡頭的丹吉爾,是摩洛哥王國離歐洲最近的城市。 這裏是藝術傢奔赴流逐之地,是國際間諜、走私、毒品、投機者的紙醉金迷天堂,是最早齣現的同性戀城市...... 無數作傢、詩人、畫傢、演員、音樂傢甚至政治傢,都在這裏長住或者定居。 野獸派大師馬蒂斯、法國畫傢德拉剋...
評分《情陷撒哈拉》,這本書跟電影的感覺完全不同。書很“難看”,完全沒有電影的異國情調,所以我想可能書根本和電影錶達的是兩種東西。 這麼難看,看著看著倒咂摸齣點味道來。作者有自己獨特的東西要寫,就使勁地寫瞭。使勁地嚼,就能嚼齣點意思來。我想那是他用自己的血肉去體...
評分《遮蔽的天空》,保羅鮑爾斯的處女作。號稱濛塵70年的20世紀美國文學經典,講述瞭我們一生中會遇到的絕大多數問題:愛情、婚姻、旅行、死亡、存在價值、人生意義……然而,我並沒有那麼喜歡這本書,第三部分天空,甚至可以說是勉強讀完。 整個故事,幾乎沒有跌宕起伏,隻有無盡...
評分原諒我的粗鄙,在此之前從未聽說過保羅·鮑爾斯,喜歡貝托魯奇和馬爾科維奇,卻沒看過原著改編的電影。這本書對於我來說是震驚的,波特的那個怪異的夢境時常齣現在我的腦海中,那輛加速行駛的火車,衝嚮由無數床單堆砌如山的大床。 小說的一開頭,便是男主人公波特從這個夢境中...
評分圖書標籤: 英語文學 保羅·鮑爾斯 2019
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