A native of Mississippi, Thomas Harris began his writing career covering crime in the US and Mexico, and was a reporter and editor for the Associated Press in New York City. His first novel, Black Sunday, was published in 1975, followed by Red Dragon in 1981, The Silence of the Lambs in 1988 and Hannibal in 1999
THE SILENCE OF THE LAMBS 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
很喜欢这本书.只是爱看,常无聊时分析其中的情节而已,但如若一个小说主人公样的人突然出现,还是会令我抖的,呵呵. 刚开始读时从来没有想过史达琳是一个刚刚从事工作、没有经验的实习生就去面对“地狱一般的罪孽与残暴”.身临汉尼拨的"犯罪艺术",伽姆先生的恶心动机,一步步...
评分汉尼拔几乎已经变为食人魔的代名,文学作品中进餐原本表达善意,我认可你,想和你在一起,所以邀请你一同进餐,分享食物,表现亲密和慷慨。只是没人想象的到准备这么奢华美味的食物,为了让你成为我的盘中餐口中食。 《沉默的羔羊》( The Silence of the Lambs )书名很棒,...
评分2013.6.22--2013.6.28阅读。用kindle看完的一本书。 看完电影之后习惯性的找来小说看,搜寻细节。 你是否听到心灵最暗处的呐喊?你知道你是谁,只有你自己知道的那个人,你有隐秘的挣扎,你有无声的呐喊,你有从未向别人提及过的你时刻闪躲却又无处可藏的回忆。 史达琳,这...
评分说实话,我以为我真的是够不上看外国小说的资格,毕竟才高中毕业。。。。这个名字如此响亮的同名名著,我居然真的要跳着看,而且有很多时候怀疑自己不认识中国字,太费力了,有些情节完全不懂,我错了,我不该看这么高大上的名著,我道歉。。。。 译林出版社应该需要翻译的很棒...
评分我先看了电影《沉默的羔羊》和《汉尼拔》。晚上看的,一口气两部,被Anthony Hopkins的演技和有趣的设定吸引。食人狂魔却优雅聪明,把我心里的刻板印象击了个粉碎。反复看了两三遍之后,一直放不下,就自然找了书来看。 不得不说这本书的中译本,翻译实在太差了,有一种奇怪的...
图书标签: 英文原版 心理 悬疑 小说 外国文学 美国 英 novels
The Silence of the Lambs, by Thomas Harris, is even better than the successful movie. Like his earlier Red Dragon, the book takes us inside the world of professional criminal investigation. All the elements of a well-executed thriller are working here--driving suspense, compelling characters, inside information, publicity-hungry bureaucrats thwarting the search, and the clock ticking relentlessly down toward the death of another young woman. What enriches this well-told tale is the opportunity to live inside the minds of both the crime fighters and the criminals as each struggles in a prison of pain and seeks, sometimes violently, relief.
Clarice Starling, a precociously self-disciplined FBI trainee, is dispatched by her boss, Section Chief Jack Crawford, the FBI's most successful tracker of serial killers, to see whether she can learn anything useful from Dr. Hannibal Lecter. Lecter's a gifted psychopath whose nickname is "The Cannibal" because he likes to eat parts of his victims. Isolated by his crimes from all physical contact with the human race, he plays an enigmatic game of "Clue" with Starling, providing her with snippets of data that, if she is smart enough, will lead her to the criminal. Undaunted, she goes where the data takes her. As the tension mounts and the bureaucracy thwarts Starling at every turn, Crawford tells her, "Keep the information and freeze the feelings." Insulted, betrayed, and humiliated, Starling struggles to focus. If she can understand Lecter's final, ambiguous scrawl, she can find the killer. But can she figure it out in time? --Barbara Schlieper --This text refers to the Mass Market Paperback edition.
评分bought in Nanking. Finished in two days.
THE SILENCE OF THE LAMBS 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书