(William Poundstone)
In 1956 two Bell Labs scientists discovered the scientific formula for getting rich. One was mathematician Claude Shannon, neurotic father of our digital age, whose genius is ranked with Einstein's. The other was John L. Kelly, Jr., a Texas-born, gun-toting physicist. Together they applied the science of information theory--the basis of computers and the Internet--to the problem of making as much money as possible, as fast as possible.
Shannon and MIT mathematician Edward O. Thorp took the "Kelly formula" to the roulette and blackjack tables of Las Vegas. It worked. They realized that there was even more money to be made in the stock market, specifically in the risky trading known as arbitrage. Thorp used the Kelly system with his phenomenonally successful hedge fund Princeton-Newport Partners. Shannon became a successful investor, too, topping even Warren Buffett's rate of return and using his wealth to drop out of the scientific world. Fortune's Formula traces how the Kelly formula sparked controversy even as it made fortunes at racetracks, casinos, and trading desks. It reveals the dark side of this alluring scheme, which is founded on exploiting an insider's edge. The cast of character spans J. Edgar Hoover, Rudolph Giuliani, Michael Milken and Warren Buffett; Hollywood producers, Wall Street crooks, snarky Nobel Laureates, and the Jewish mob.
Fortune's Formula explores a new and surprising side to the Shannon legacy. Based in part on Shannon's previously unseen personal records as well as interviews with both of Shannon's wives, Thorp, and many others, it is the first full-length treatment of a subject that is changing ideas about finance. Claude Shannon believed it was possible for a smart investor to beat the market--and Fortune's Formula will convince you he was right.
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比較有趣。100年來以數學傢為主的科學傢們跟賭場和股市搏鬥的故事:信息論創始人香農居然是炒股高手,收益率超過巴菲特的公司1個百分點;21點、輪盤賭、賭馬麵對科學傢賭徒們精確的算計敗下陣來,股市則難對付得多。 涉及到許多歐美的人名和公司名,大部分都是我不熟悉的。 ...
評分凱利公式自發現以來運用於賭場、股市等博弈環境,核心思想是:1、多頭下注,減少破産風險;2、根據賠率和勝率計算齣下注比例,用該數學模型可以提高總體收益。凱利公式計算稍微復雜,在《賭神數學傢》中簡化其公式:下注比例=勝率/賠率(詳細示例見書)。 在該書中有運用該公式...
評分內容:★★★☆☆ 翻譯:★★☆☆☆ 排印:★★★☆☆ 裝幀:★★★☆☆ 這本書的敘事性大於學術性,讀者會瞭解到和凱利公式相關的一些人和事,但不會對凱利公式本身有深入的瞭解。如果這是一本以凱利公式本身為主題的學術性圖書,對讀者來說,可能會更有價值;對齣版商來說,...
評分本書的核心:凱利方程式 凱利方程式的核心:預期收益應以幾何平均計算的最大化為目標,而現代資本市場定價理論的基石(均值方差分析)卻是以算術平均為基礎假設的。 怪不得!一群學術大佬要堅決抵製和抨擊凱利方程式,抵製幾何平均。 因為,如果接受瞭幾何平均的思想,那麼現...
評分沃倫·巴菲特驚訝於“10或者15個平均智商在170左右的傢夥”是如何讓自己陷入“輸光所有錢的境地”的。這可以追溯到1738年,和丹尼爾·伯努利的觀點差不多。當時他寫道:“無論可能獲得多高的收益,冒險賭上全部財産的人都像是個傻瓜。” 天纔敗於過度貪婪。 約翰·凱利的風險哲...
圖書標籤: 投資 金融 管理 經濟 數學 技術 成長 思維
評分Recommended by Charlie Munger - 2006 WESCO Annual Meeting
評分Recommended by Charlie Munger - 2006 WESCO Annual Meeting
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