S,M,L,XL presents a selection of the remarkable visionary design work produced by the Dutch firm Office for Metropolitan Architecture (O.M.A.) and its acclaimed founder, Rem Koolhaas, in its first twenty years, along with a variety of insightful, often poetic writings. The inventive collaboration between Koolhaas and designer Bruce Mau is a graphic overture that weaves together architectural projects, photos and sketches, diary excerpts, personal travelogues, fairy tales, and fables, as well as critical essays on contemporary architecture and society.
The book's title is also its framework: projects and essays are arranged according to scale. While Small and Medium address issues ranging from the domestic to the public, Large focuses on what Koolhaas calls "the architecture of Bigness." Extra-Large features projects at the urban scale, along with the important essay "What Ever Happened to Urbanism?" and other studies of the contemporary city. Running throughout the book is a "dictionary" of an adventurous new Koolhaasian language -- definitions, commentaries, and quotes from hundreds of literary, cultural, artistic, and architectural sources.
Small, Medium, Large, Extra-Large 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載
一本完全展現庫哈斯嬉笑怒罵風格的書~ 現代建築的發展被一些具有雙重身份的人有力的推動著,庫哈斯就是其中一位,具有記者和建築師兩種角色。《SMLXL》一書涉及瞭庫哈斯創立OMA以來二十多年間的建築觀察和實踐曆程,他的足跡遍布歐亞美幾大洲的多個城市。 書中以尺度為綫索...
評分《S,M,L,XL》是迄今為止庫哈斯最重要的一部集建築設計與城市理論為一體的綜閤建築文本。無論是從此書涉及的時間跨度(20世紀70年代末至90年代中期),還是從文本的豐富度(涵蓋瞭建築、人文、社會、政治、經濟、城市等各領域信息),甚至是從文本自身的體量(1 300多頁,如...
評分墨西哥藝術傢Jose Davila,切割瞭這一本書。 他把這本書割成幾個體積/厚度不一樣的部分:特大,大,中,小. 封底上,書的最低端,(本書的介紹/簡評?)最下麵一排文字是:Globalization of the world。這段(文字/書)被割成一個(小)部分。 墨西哥人這個作品名字就叫...
評分作品+評論+隨筆+字典的一本綜閤性的圖文展示。 無論從作品本身,評論的深度,隨筆的文筆,和字典的創新以及平麵設計排版的控製(由Bruce Mau設計),都屬於上乘之作。 買一本放在傢裏,總有參考的價值。 況且,還有盜版。絕對是超值。
評分一本完全展現庫哈斯嬉笑怒罵風格的書~ 現代建築的發展被一些具有雙重身份的人有力的推動著,庫哈斯就是其中一位,具有記者和建築師兩種角色。《SMLXL》一書涉及瞭庫哈斯創立OMA以來二十多年間的建築觀察和實踐曆程,他的足跡遍布歐亞美幾大洲的多個城市。 書中以尺度為綫索...
圖書標籤: 建築 庫哈斯 建築理論 Rem.Koolhaas 設計 Architecture 荷蘭 koolhaas
reading list必選
評分haha Koolhaas is a quirk
Small, Medium, Large, Extra-Large 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載