Ludwig Josef Johann Wittgenstein (April 26, 1889 – April 29, 1951) was an Austrian philosopher who contributed several ground-breaking works to modern philosophy, primarily on the foundations of logic, the philosophy of language, and the philosophy of mind. He is widely regarded as one of the most influential philosophers of the 20th century.
Philosophical Investigations 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
当我第一次翻开这本书的时候被吓了一跳,原来这样也算哲学研究。 那些什么大砖家都忙着给维特根斯坦做前期中期后期思想论述条条框框的写了一大堆,恐怕维特根斯坦自己也想不到吧。 往前看康德 黑格尔 马克思 之类人物的哲学充满了条条框框,1,2,3,4,5,6,7.仿佛这样严谨环环...
评分《哲学研究》 路德维希·维特根斯坦 第一部分 我们还可以把§2中使用词的整个过程(§2中说的是,建筑工A和助手B之间的“石块”“石柱”“石板”“石梁”的语言)看做是儿童学习母语的种种游戏中的一种。我将把这些游戏成为语言游戏,并且有时也把原始语言说成是语言游戏。...
评分 评分黑夜的玫瑰--《哲学研究》读书散记 题记:你闻到玫瑰,在暗夜里飘香。时间不再逃遁,而沉溺于追逐过往旅客的勾当 1,其实我们的祖先早就玩过一个伟大的语言游戏-盲人摸象-他们各执一端,介入世界,述说世界,谁说他们描述的世界不是完整的?不是一端的本质?谁不是站在一端,谁...
图书标签: 哲学 Wittgenstein 西方哲学 英语原版 英文版 拜一拜十年少 哲学与思考 Theory
Philosophical Investigations (Philosophische Untersuchungen), along with the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, is one of the two major works by Ludwig Wittgenstein. Wittgenstein had worked on the book for many years and it was published posthumously in 1953, originally in German (as Philosophische Untersuchungen). It deals mainly with semantics, and how conceptual confusion surrounding language use is at the root of most philosophical problems. It is generally considered one of the most important philosophical works of the twentieth century and it continues to influence current philosophy of mind and language.
Philosophical Investigations 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书