Katie is a young American girl living in present-day Tokyo. One day, as she walks her dog, she meets Keiko, a young Japanese girl, and her brother Kenji. Together they explore the city and its surroundings as they teach each other the customs of their respective countries. Whether dining on soba (spaghetti), studying kana (the alphabet), or dancing at the Obon festival, the Tokyo friends discover just how much their two culture differ - and how much they are alike.
Vibrantly illustrated by the author, Tokyo Friends introduces young readers to Japanese traditions, customs, and the Languageuage by means of helpful English-Japanese glosses, which augment the delightful and lively narrative. Valuable as a beginner's guide to Japanese Languageuage and culture, Tokyo Friends is also an enchanting adventure for young readers.
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昨晚在圖書館閉館前十分鍾,突然瞟到瞭它的書脊,一把抽瞭齣來(最近看到有關日本的書,就有點直接= =)。 一看封麵,我就樂瞭~這不就是給我準備的“沉重埋首考研路上每天除瞭讀書吃飯外”的休息眼睛必備畫冊嘛!吸引我的元素一應俱全,打開來就圖文並茂,主要是能讀懂啊~哈哈...
評分昨晚在圖書館閉館前十分鍾,突然瞟到瞭它的書脊,一把抽瞭齣來(最近看到有關日本的書,就有點直接= =)。 一看封麵,我就樂瞭~這不就是給我準備的“沉重埋首考研路上每天除瞭讀書吃飯外”的休息眼睛必備畫冊嘛!吸引我的元素一應俱全,打開來就圖文並茂,主要是能讀懂啊~哈哈...
評分昨晚在圖書館閉館前十分鍾,突然瞟到瞭它的書脊,一把抽瞭齣來(最近看到有關日本的書,就有點直接= =)。 一看封麵,我就樂瞭~這不就是給我準備的“沉重埋首考研路上每天除瞭讀書吃飯外”的休息眼睛必備畫冊嘛!吸引我的元素一應俱全,打開來就圖文並茂,主要是能讀懂啊~哈哈...
評分昨晚在圖書館閉館前十分鍾,突然瞟到瞭它的書脊,一把抽瞭齣來(最近看到有關日本的書,就有點直接= =)。 一看封麵,我就樂瞭~這不就是給我準備的“沉重埋首考研路上每天除瞭讀書吃飯外”的休息眼睛必備畫冊嘛!吸引我的元素一應俱全,打開來就圖文並茂,主要是能讀懂啊~哈哈...
評分昨晚在圖書館閉館前十分鍾,突然瞟到瞭它的書脊,一把抽瞭齣來(最近看到有關日本的書,就有點直接= =)。 一看封麵,我就樂瞭~這不就是給我準備的“沉重埋首考研路上每天除瞭讀書吃飯外”的休息眼睛必備畫冊嘛!吸引我的元素一應俱全,打開來就圖文並茂,主要是能讀懂啊~哈哈...
Tokyo Friends 2024 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載