The frustrating component of life known as Murphy's (or Sod's) Law is no respecter of persons. The more you are desperate for things to go right, the more they go wrong. But, is that really the case, and, if so, is there a rational explanation? So: when you drop the toast how do you know it will land butter-side down? Why does the queue you're in always go slowest? That tune you hate - isn't it the one you can't get out of your head? However odd it seems, there is generally a scientific explanation. Much of Murphy's Law stems from the way the mind works - its physical limitations, evolutionary biases and social impressionability. In this fascinating book, popular-science presenter Richard Robinson teases out the answers, accessibly and entertainingly.
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評分1.我們所有感官器官隻能接受這個世界的一部分。 2.我們自身的測量係統從來就不準確。 3.我們的記憶總是模糊的。 4.然後在我們的腦中,我們基於上述3點做連接。 5.What the worse,我們傾嚮於服從情感。 6.和公眾環境
評分墨菲定律 帶三個錶 @ 2012-01-29 0:06:00 http://www.wangxiaofeng.net/ 春節放假沒事,買瞭幾本閑書翻看,這些書基本看起來比較輕鬆不用動腦子,有點類似高中讀物。其中一本《為什麼受傷的總是我?》解決瞭一直睏惑我的許多問題。 我在廚房做飯,想起來要去冰箱裏取點郫縣...
圖書標籤: 美國 心理
Why the Toast Always Lands Butter-Side Down 2024 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載