西德尼·谢尔顿(Sidney Sheldon 1917—2007) 当代美国著名作家。2007年1月30日在洛杉矶逝世,享年89岁。他是世界上唯一集奥斯卡奖、托尼奖和爱伦·坡奖于一身的作家,前17本小说全部登上过《纽约时报》畅销书排行榜的榜首。根据吉尼斯世界纪录的记载,他是世界上被翻译得最多的作家,他的作品被译成51种语言,引介到180个国家和地区,全球总销量超过3亿册。
The Stars Shine Down 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
Sidney Sheldon1993年9月出版的小说,开篇的场景是1992.9.10地产大亨Lara Cameron的生日晚宴,暴雨中私人飞机穿云而过,风驰电掣匆忙赶赴到富丽堂皇的晚宴大厅却空无一人……巨大的悬念一直贯穿到最后一章,不得不承认,的确在意料之外。 整部小说就是 Iron Butterfly的奋斗史...
评分Sidney Sheldon1993年9月出版的小说,开篇的场景是1992.9.10地产大亨Lara Cameron的生日晚宴,暴雨中私人飞机穿云而过,风驰电掣匆忙赶赴到富丽堂皇的晚宴大厅却空无一人……巨大的悬念一直贯穿到最后一章,不得不承认,的确在意料之外。 整部小说就是 Iron Butterfly的奋斗史...
评分一个女人和三个男人的故事。 我看爱得最强烈的还是那个最不吸引人的助手。可惜女主人公不爱他。 天才钢琴家嘛,挺感性的,也通情达理,只是有点温吞水。相较而言,我倒是觉得女主人公喜欢他有点莫明其妙。 黑手党老头 老牛吃嫩草,又通情达理,本是英雄人物。可惜烈士暮年,...
评分一口气读完的书,如同当年在大学里,迷上西德尼谢尔顿,好几本书都是一气读完,有的在后来还专门找来,如《钻石王朝》,特意从孔夫子旧书网买了一本,放在手里。 这本书其实也很精彩,人物和故事情节都塑造得不错,足够的曲折,足够的悬念,不过,对我来说,吸引力不如以前。...
评分和西德尼谢尔顿的其他作品一样,这本书是非常成功的畅销书。情节紧凑吸引人,一拿起来就放不下。等飞机、坐地铁的时候看最合适,可以很快的投入进去而感觉不到时间的流逝。 其他的要求就不要太高,思想深度啦,哲学基础啦谈不上;消磨时间,愉悦身心足以。
图书标签: 英文原版 SidneySheldon 小说 西德尼·谢尔顿 英文 美国 美国文学 虚构类
The Stars Shine Down is Sidney Sheldons twelfth and most passionate novel, set against the glamorous world of international business and featuring a complex and compelling heroine faced with a series of life-shattering decisions.
Lara Cameron is young and beautiful. Rising from a past she seeks to repress, she achieves her wildest ambition, creating a much envied business empire. Then, overnight, all that has gone before, her fortune, her achievements, and her marriageeverythingis at risk.
Paul Martin, a brilliant but mysterious lawyer who is captivated by Lara, finally is faced with her desire for independence and his own compulsion no to let her go.
Howard Keller, Laras longtime friend and mentor, is torn between loyalty to her and maintaining a terrifying secret, one that must never be revealedespecially to Lara.
It is Philip Adler who offers Lara an exciting new world, but at a devastating price that threatens to destroy them both.
From Scotland to Nova Scotia, New York to London, Rome to Reno, The Stars Shine Down is classic Sidney Sheldon, featuring the startling shocks and amazing surprises millions of readers have come to expect and love. It is also a highlight in a continuum of virtuoso performances by the man everyone turns to for irresistible romance, cliff-hanger suspense, and the totally unexpected.
评分An unexpected ending.
评分Easy to read , but I would rather read sth else than waste time on this .
The Stars Shine Down 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书