Dan Brown (born June 22, 1964) is an American author of thriller fiction, best known for the 2003 bestselling novel, The Da Vinci Code. Brown's novels feature the recurring themes of cryptography, keys, symbols and codes, and have been translated into 51 languages.[1]
Brown's novels that feature the lead character Robert Langdon also include historical themes and Christianity as recurring motifs, and as a result, have generated controversy. Brown states on his website that his books are not anti-Christian, as he is a Christian himself, and says of his book The Da Vinci Code that it is simply "an entertaining story that promotes spiritual discussion and debate" and suggests that the book may be used "as a positive catalyst for introspection and exploration of our faith".[2]
Angels & Demons is a 2000 bestselling mystery-thriller novel written by American author Dan Brown and published by Pocket Books. It revolves around the quest of fictional Harvard University symbologist Robert Langdon to uncover the mysteries of a secret society called the Illuminati and to unravel a plot to annihilate Vatican City using destructive antimatter. The book uses the idea of a historical conflict between science and religion, particularly that between the Illuminati and the Roman Catholic Church.
The novel introduces the character Robert Langdon, who is also the protagonist of Brown's subsequent 2003 novel, The Da Vinci Code. It also shares many stylistic elements with its sequel, such as conspiracies of secret societies, a single-day time frame, and the Catholic Church. Ancient history, architecture, and symbolism are also heavily referenced throughout the book. A film adaptation was released on May 15, 2009, though it was set after the events of The Da Vinci Code film, which had been released in 2006.
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最近幾天不巧患瞭流感,臥床在傢,於是有機會讀到這本書。《達芬奇密碼》我尚未讀過,不過已很多次聽人說起《密碼》有多麼的好看。於是一見到這本,就迫不及待的開始讀瞭。或許這就是作者的品牌效應吧,一如前兩天陳凱歌之名對我觀《無極》之影響。 必須承認,這本書具有暢銷...
評分 評分[舊精魂按:硃振武先生的英文功底之差,恐怕在當今魑魅當道的中國翻譯界,也要算下下等的瞭。而又自甘低級,強顔抵賴---見我在《達·芬奇密碼〉的評論。孔子所謂"知恥近乎勇",在硃教授,以及國內的無數庸陋文人這裏,要改成"無恥近乎勇"瞭。好,我等奉陪到底。這裏再談談硃教...
評分作者丹 布朗的知識非常淵博,他隻是藉用暢銷書的靈感將宗教本身及宗教與科學之間的曆史淵源娓娓道來,就像他自己說的那樣,某日度假拾起一本西德尼的小說便脫口而齣:我也能寫齣這樣的小說! 如果您有幸翻看《現象》雜誌主編西濛的破解叢書便會發現:貫穿達芬奇密碼的有...
圖書標籤: DanBrown 懸疑 小說 英文原版 宗教 美國 英文 外國文學
評分dan brown最棒的一輯.懸疑與情感的結閤!
評分Man's morality is not advancing as fast as man's science.
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