Professor Dover's newest book is designed for those who are interested in the history of comedy as an art form but who are not necessarily familiar with the Greek language. The eleven surviving plays of Aristophanes are treated as representative of a genre. "Old Attic Comedy", which was artistically and intellectually homogeneous and gave expression to the spirit of Athenian society in the late fifth and early fourth centuries B.C. Aristophanes is regarded primarily not as a reformer or propagandist but as a dramatist who sought, in competition with his rivals, to win the esteem both of the general public and of the cultivated and critical minority. He succeeded in this effort by making people laugh, and the book pays more attention than has generally been paid to the technical means, whether of language or of situation, on which Aristophanes' humor depends. Particular emphasis is laid on his indifference - positively assisted by the physical limitations of the Greek theatre and the conditions of the Athenian dramatic festivals - to the maintenance of continuous 'dramatic illusion' or to the provision of a dramatic event with the antecedents and consequences which might logically be expected. More importance is attached to Aristophanes' adoption of popular attitudes and beliefs, to his creation of uninhibited characters with which the spectators could identify themselves, and to his acceptance of the comic poet's traditional role as a mordant but jocular critic of morals, than to any identifiable and consistent elements in his political standpoint.
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圖書標籤: Aristophanes 阿裏斯托芬 希臘 喜劇 古希臘 comedy Poetry
作者自己講是一部設計給想瞭解阿裏斯托芬卻沒有希臘文基礎的讀者的書,前麵幾個專題寫的都很好,不過後麵進入到每一部劇中的介紹似乎對核心問題的探討有些單薄?至少我是這麼看的。寫Aristophanes and Athens的MacDowell對這本書評價很高,Henderson似乎覺得有些“高不成低不就”,但我個人覺得這應該是作為專業學者的看法,作為一部寫給像我這樣連希臘文都不會的弱渣的入門書來看,我想這本書還是很成功的。
評分作者自己講是一部設計給想瞭解阿裏斯托芬卻沒有希臘文基礎的讀者的書,前麵幾個專題寫的都很好,不過後麵進入到每一部劇中的介紹似乎對核心問題的探討有些單薄?至少我是這麼看的。寫Aristophanes and Athens的MacDowell對這本書評價很高,Henderson似乎覺得有些“高不成低不就”,但我個人覺得這應該是作為專業學者的看法,作為一部寫給像我這樣連希臘文都不會的弱渣的入門書來看,我想這本書還是很成功的。
評分作者自己講是一部設計給想瞭解阿裏斯托芬卻沒有希臘文基礎的讀者的書,前麵幾個專題寫的都很好,不過後麵進入到每一部劇中的介紹似乎對核心問題的探討有些單薄?至少我是這麼看的。寫Aristophanes and Athens的MacDowell對這本書評價很高,Henderson似乎覺得有些“高不成低不就”,但我個人覺得這應該是作為專業學者的看法,作為一部寫給像我這樣連希臘文都不會的弱渣的入門書來看,我想這本書還是很成功的。
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