亚伦·德肖维茨是美国的一位广为人知的辩护律师,也是著名畅销书的作者,著有《厚颜无耻》(Chutzpah)、《颠覆命运》(Reversal of Fortune)、《最佳辩护》(The Best Defemse)等作品。他担任过《耶鲁法学论丛》(Yale Law Journal)的主编、1962年自耶鲁法学院毕业。二十八岁时即成为哈佛法学院教授,是这所名校有史以来最年轻的教授。德肖维茨目前仍任教于哈佛法学院。
高忠义 台湾大学法律系专业,译著:《脑内犯罪惊奇》、《刑事侦讯与自白》(商周)。
侯荷婷 一九七七年生,一九九八年毕业于台湾大学外文系,现为美国麻州芬明罕大学国际教育研究所硕士班学生。曾服务于中外文学月刊社、通讯公司的创意企划与翻译,并从事短篇小说的创作与公关稿及广告文案的写作。
Reasonable Doubts 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
评分其实这应该写在读书笔记里而不是书评里面,但是当初我看这本书的时候还没发现豆瓣笔记这个神奇的存在,所以都是用“烂笔头”一字一句记下来的,但是我没有记录页码=。=所以,各位看官请见谅~~ 接下来将全部都是“关键情节透露”,没看过的不想被剧透的就看到这里吧! ————...
评分 评分大二下学期的开学之初,去图书馆借书的时候偶然看到,只要是德肖维茨的书一定不能错过。凑巧的是那学期正好学刑事诉讼这门课,但是之前自己并未发觉。只一天就一口气读完《合理的怀疑》,不得不再次赞叹德肖维茨的文笔,即使自己已是一名经验丰富的法学教授和刑事辩护律师,但...
图书标签: 法律 英文原版 USJustice 美国 law Law legal 艾伦•德肖维茨[Alan·Dershowitz]
"I had always thought that tenure means you don't have to have guts to tell unpopular truths" 人权维护什么的也不指望中国法工委和大学教授们实践,但就单单这句话应该让中国的教授们多念念
评分The book, from the point of a lawyer, analyzes the "justice" of the OJ case. To the benefit of law and democracy, where OJ murdered his wife or not is not so much relevant. The fair trial, the legitimacy of policing and the "benefit of the doubt" trump everything else. Media trial should be avoided. Prosecutors and defense lawyers are not different
评分The book, from the point of a lawyer, analyzes the "justice" of the OJ case. To the benefit of law and democracy, where OJ murdered his wife or not is not so much relevant. The fair trial, the legitimacy of policing and the "benefit of the doubt" trump everything else. Media trial should be avoided. Prosecutors and defense lawyers are not different
评分The book, from the point of a lawyer, analyzes the "justice" of the OJ case. To the benefit of law and democracy, where OJ murdered his wife or not is not so much relevant. The fair trial, the legitimacy of policing and the "benefit of the doubt" trump everything else. Media trial should be avoided. Prosecutors and defense lawyers are not different
评分worth a second reading
Reasonable Doubts 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书