亞倫·德肖維茨是美國的一位廣為人知的辯護律師,也是著名暢銷書的作者,著有《厚顔無恥》(Chutzpah)、《顛覆命運》(Reversal of Fortune)、《最佳辯護》(The Best Defemse)等作品。他擔任過《耶魯法學論叢》(Yale Law Journal)的主編、1962年自耶魯法學院畢業。二十八歲時即成為哈佛法學院教授,是這所名校有史以來最年輕的教授。德肖維茨目前仍任教於哈佛法學院。
高忠義 颱灣大學法律係專業,譯著:《腦內犯罪驚奇》、《刑事偵訊與自白》(商周)。
侯荷婷 一九七七年生,一九九八年畢業於颱灣大學外文係,現為美國麻州芬明罕大學國際教育研究所碩士班學生。曾服務於中外文學月刊社、通訊公司的創意企劃與翻譯,並從事短篇小說的創作與公關稿及廣告文案的寫作。
Reasonable Doubts 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載
一、刑事審判的目的不在於發現真相。對於檢察官或者辯護律師,真相、正義都是抽象的字眼,他們隻是從自己所處的立場齣發,贏下這個案子。 二、證據鏈,警察會說謊,陪審團應該懷疑整條證據鏈的閤理性和真實性。 1、非法證據排除規則。所謂毒樹之果,以非法手段采集的證據不被...
評分書並不那麼厚,但啃瞭三天,藉助這本書和相關資料徹底瞭解瞭一下美國司法審判製度。 94年辛普森案發生時我還未齣生,但這場“世紀審判”直到今天還“散發餘熱”,學者對此案的研究依舊未停,法學學子仍然使用此案入門美國陪審員製度。 此案真相是什麼並不重要,而在此過程中警...
評分It's another "fictional" nonfiction work by Prof. Aian M. Dershowitz. Strongly Recommended. This book focuses on the heated topics about criminal procedure including, but not limited to, proof of standard(proof beyond reasonable doubt), the jury system of ...
評分 評分德肖維茨在書中詳盡地敘述和分析瞭辛普森案中辯控雙方的交鋒過程及策略,雖然是書麵描述,可依舊能夠感受到庭審上下辯方的畢露鋒芒,米國的刑事司法製度輪廓就在這交鋒中一一明晰起來,也不由得讓人逐步感受到該製度的平衡和強大:縝密地挑選陪審團成員;辯方當庭質證僞證的警...
圖書標籤: 法律 英文原版 USJustice 美國 law Law legal 艾倫•德肖維茨[Alan·Dershowitz]
The book, from the point of a lawyer, analyzes the "justice" of the OJ case. To the benefit of law and democracy, where OJ murdered his wife or not is not so much relevant. The fair trial, the legitimacy of policing and the "benefit of the doubt" trump everything else. Media trial should be avoided. Prosecutors and defense lawyers are not different
評分worth a second reading
評分worth a second reading
評分"I had always thought that tenure means you don't have to have guts to tell unpopular truths" 人權維護什麼的也不指望中國法工委和大學教授們實踐,但就單單這句話應該讓中國的教授們多念念
評分The book, from the point of a lawyer, analyzes the "justice" of the OJ case. To the benefit of law and democracy, where OJ murdered his wife or not is not so much relevant. The fair trial, the legitimacy of policing and the "benefit of the doubt" trump everything else. Media trial should be avoided. Prosecutors and defense lawyers are not different
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