This thorough revision of Babbie's standard-setting book for the course offers students a comprehensive, straightforward introduction to the field of research methods as practiced by sociologists and other social scientists. Emphasizing the importance of the research process, the book shows students how social scientists design research studies, introduces the variety of observation modes used by sociologists, and covers the "how-tos" and "whys" of social research methods. Students learn how to conduct various types of research, when it is appropriate to use each method, and how to analyze qualitative and quantitative data using the Elaboration Model. The 10th edition provides students with the necessary tools for understanding social research methods and for applying these concepts both inside and outside the classroom--as researchers and as consumers of research. Retaining the authoritative coverage of the research process that has made the book a best-seller, the new edition is more student-friendly than ever. The new edition features a completely new chapter on reading and writing social research, a streamlined organization, a new running glossary, and a new Research Writing and Chapter Tutorial CD-ROM that not only helps students every step of the way in writing research papers, but also links to chapter by chapter online tutorials that will help them master the concepts and techniques of the course.
The Practice of Social Research (with CD-ROM and InfoTrac) (Practice of Social Research) 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載
這本書屬於入門的研究讀物,適閤初學者學習,強在將那些看似高深不可測的理論背景說得淺顯易懂,引人深思;而弱的是高級的研究方法也用同樣的方式和口吻來解說,就顯得力不從心,不知所雲瞭。 粗略地讀完瞭,但是還是有很多值得再深入翻看探究的,書中也提供瞭很多...
評分 評分存一下本學期專業課的讀書筆記…… 對初涉學術研究領域的學生來說,艾爾·巴比的《社會研究方法》是很好的入門教材,作者以自身豐富的學術研究和教學經曆,總結齣社會研究的基本概念、步驟、測量方法和倫理規範,並佐以大量說明案例,是案頭必備的工作守則式的著作。 先來談談...
評分總的感覺還不錯,寫的比較通俗易懂. 總體架構和邏輯綫索很清晰,也有很多資源綫索,對於初學者來說很有幫助. 但是就具體的方麵來講,覺得還是有缺陷,一個是錶達不夠清晰,一個是覺得有點羅嗦,還有,就是作者的幽默實在不太懂.
評分在此,我不過多討論譯者在翻譯此書中的諸多概念、範疇以及對它們作齣解釋時,所使用的或模棱兩可的、或過於遊移的、或讓人反復閱讀卻不知其所謂從而無法攫取精髓的語句。 我隻說校對問題。 首先,正文中的彆字偶爾冒下泡,這我忍;其次,重復印刷情況小概率騷擾(如P320),我...
圖書標籤: 社會學 研究方法 methods 英文原版 美國 經典 科普 社會&文化
評分Quiz 用...... APSS345..........
評分MC 6300.Babbie老頭愛講冷笑話。Social scientific research method真是基本靠讀教材自學啊!
評分Quiz 用...... APSS345..........
The Practice of Social Research (with CD-ROM and InfoTrac) (Practice of Social Research) 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載