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The Autobiography of Malcolm X


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Malcolm X (born Malcolm Little), also known as El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz, was an American Black Muslim minister and a spokesman for the Nation of Islam.

After leaving the Nation of Islam in 1964, he made the pilgrimage, the Hajj, to Mecca and became a Sunni Muslim. He also founded the Muslim Mosque, Inc. and the Organization of Afro-American Unity. Less than a year later, he was assassinated in Washington Heights on the first day of National Brotherhood Week.

Historian Robin D.G. Kelley wrote, "Malcolm X has been called many things: Pan-Africanist, father of Black Power, religious fanatic, closet conservative, incipient socialist, and a menace to society. The meaning of his public life — his politics and ideology — is contested in part because his entire body of work consists of a few dozen speeches and a collaborative autobiography whose veracity is challenged. Malcolm has become a sort of tabula rasa, or blank slate, on which people of different positions can write their own interpretations of his politics and legacy.

The Autobiography of Malcolm X pdf epub mobi 圖書描述

With its first great victory in the landmark Supreme Court decision, Brown vs. Board of Education in 1954, the Civil Rights movement gained the powerful momentum it needed to sweep forward into its crucial decade, the 1960s. As voices of protest and change rose above the din of history and false promises, one sounded more urgently, more passionately than the rest. Malcolm X - once called the most dangerous man in America - challenged the world to listen and learn the truth as he experienced it. And his enduring message is as relevant today as when he first delivered it. This is the first hardcover edition of this classic autobiography since it was originally published in 1964. In its searing pages, Malcolm X the Muslim leader, firebrand, and anti-integrationist, tells the extraordinary story of his life and the growth of the Black Muslim movement to veteran writer and journalist Alex Haley. In a unique collaboration, Alex Haley worked with Malcolm X for nearly two years, interviewing, listening to, and understanding the most controversial leader of his time. Raised in Lansing, Michigan, Malcolm Little's road to world fame was as astonishing as it was unpredictable. After drifting from childhood poverty to petty crime, Malcolm found himself in jail. It was there that he came into contact with the teachings of a little-known Black Muslim leader named Elijah Muhammed. The newly renamed Malcolm X devoted himself body and soul to the teachings of Elijah Muhammed and the world of Islam, and became the Nation's foremost spokesman. When his own conscience forced him to break with Elijah Muhammed, Malcolm founded the Organization of Afro-American Unity, to reach African Americans across the country with an inspiring message of pride, power, and self-determination. The Autobiography of Malcolm X defines American culture and the African-American struggle for social and economic equality that has now become a battle for survival.

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一   一九八七年,我在長篇小說《金牧場》中,不僅過大地誇贊瞭美國黑人公民權運動中的非暴力主義者馬丁·路德·金,而且錯誤地誇贊瞭美國的清教主義。這部書中涉及的“美國夢”、砍齣的德沃夏剋的交響樂、一本正經發齣的關於哥倫布的議論,都膚淺至極,輕浮至不能原諒的...


一本名人傳記。 很經典的名人傳記。 ...... 靠,你們彆跑啊。不就是一本經典的名人傳記嗎?當然俺們理解大傢當年看居裏夫人傳時的痛苦,以及看愛迪生傳的難受。不過這本書不一樣啊hohoho。咋不一樣?這本書寫瞭怎麼泡妞阿~這本書寫瞭怎麼吸毒阿~這本書寫瞭怎麼偷東西啊~這本...  


一本名人傳記。 很經典的名人傳記。 ...... 靠,你們彆跑啊。不就是一本經典的名人傳記嗎?當然俺們理解大傢當年看居裏夫人傳時的痛苦,以及看愛迪生傳的難受。不過這本書不一樣啊hohoho。咋不一樣?這本書寫瞭怎麼泡妞阿~這本書寫瞭怎麼吸毒阿~這本書寫瞭怎麼偷東西啊~這本...  


一本名人傳記。 很經典的名人傳記。 ...... 靠,你們彆跑啊。不就是一本經典的名人傳記嗎?當然俺們理解大傢當年看居裏夫人傳時的痛苦,以及看愛迪生傳的難受。不過這本書不一樣啊hohoho。咋不一樣?這本書寫瞭怎麼泡妞阿~這本書寫瞭怎麼吸毒阿~這本書寫瞭怎麼偷東西啊~這本...  

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出版者:Ballantine Books
作者:Malcolm X
價格:USD 7.99
裝幀:Mass Market Paperback

圖書標籤: 傳記  美國黑人運動  Malcolm_X  美國  MalcolmX  自傳  曆史  Autobiography   

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配閤著youtube上的相關視屏資料看。house negro and field negro。麥加之行的思想衝擊。分道揚鑣。非暴力,但是要有暴力對抗的能力。黑人民權運動的內部齟齬。


通篇都是great, honoured, honest,humble, manhood...


這他媽 絕對是 我讀過的最難讀下去的 幾本書 之一。。。


當年上學時候讀過的書。kindlebaby上竟然沒有這個版本,不過震撼度還是很高的。He was angry, aggressive and straightforward. He was black and he was a Muslim. it's been 50 years since he passed away, things didn't change much as we still label black ppl and Muslim in different ways.


昨天是Malcolm X的生日。一年前讀瞭這本書,給瞭我很多人生啓發。

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