Class 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
评分身份焦虑也是繁荣的动力 辉格 2013年12月28日 http://headsalon.org/archives/4889.html 我从未料到会有这样一本书,它谈论的是美国社会,其中观点却更适用于当前中国社会,但保罗·福塞尔(Paul Fussell)出版于1983年的《格调》(Class: A Guide Through the American Statu...
评分我想,这本书如果换成《上层阶级变身指南》或《屌丝速成高富帅》之类的标题,会比现在热销十倍。 福塞尔在这本书里提出了一个很重要的观点,即:区分等级的绝非只有财富一项标准,与金钱同样重要的因素还有风范、品味和认知水平。原因很明了,因为谁也不能确切地知道你的财富...
评分很多人把这本书看作某种“上流社会生活解密”或“高尚生活指南”,这无疑是一种令人捧腹的误读。作为一位思考和行文方式都高度“英国化”(有趣的是,崇英式的作派在本书中也是被作者浓墨重彩地大篇幅调侃的对象)作家,冷峻的讽刺才是写作的真正核心。 从这层意义上来讲,这...
评分早一段时间在京沪高铁上看完这本书,一直不敢写读完的感受,因为在这种很丧的月份写任何关于阶层的习惯和标志,太容易受到攻击。但恰巧昨天在知乎看到一条关于《底层社会》的回答: 如果一个男人有稳定工作,那么超越了几乎一半(5亿农民/城镇失业率/其他临时工等不稳定职业)...
图书标签: 社会学 美国 文化 PaulFussell 社会 格调 class 阶层
In Class Paul Fussell explodes the sacred American myth of social equality with eagle-eyed irreverence and iconoclastic wit. This bestselling, superbly researched, exquisitely observed guide to the signs, symbols, and customs of the American class system is always outrageously on the mark as Fussell shows us how our status is revealed by everything we do, say, and own. He describes the houses, objects, artifacts, speech, clothing styles, and intellectual proclivities of American classes from the top to the bottom and everybody -- you'll surely recognize yourself -- in between. Class is guaranteed to amuse and infuriate, whether your class is so high it's out of sight (literally) or you are, alas, a sinking victim of prole drift.
哈哈哈哈 好
评分finally finished. highly recommended by a good friend. but so dry to me... shall be a very interesting reading to someone that cares about the topic more. ps: we are X-people!
评分不如Veblen缜密和博大,但很多鲜活实例精妙准确让人忍俊不禁。特别欣赏作者对于中产阶级畏畏缩缩惺惺作态的讽刺,和其一阵见血分析出的high prole 在一定程度上的“贵族感”。至于有闲阶级如动物般的随意倒是老生常谈了,而最后弄出来的Category X 有些过于捧高波西米亚一族了。
评分finally finished. highly recommended by a good friend. but so dry to me... shall be a very interesting reading to someone that cares about the topic more. ps: we are X-people!
Class 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书