约瑟夫·尤金·斯蒂格利茨(英语:Joseph Eugene Stiglitz,又译为约瑟夫·史迪格里兹,1943年2月9日-),小名乔·斯蒂格利茨(Joe Stiglitz),美国经济学家,哥伦比亚大学教员。他在资讯经济学上有重大贡献,是新兴凯因斯经济学派的重要成员之一,与保罗·克鲁曼在诸多观点相同。
Globalization and Its Discontents 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
书名:全球化及其不满 作者:斯蒂格利茨 推荐指数:三星 坦率的讲,我主要是冲着斯蒂格利茨借的这本书。由于这本书是写于2002年,书中的很多想法在当时算是很有开创性,而现在来看,尤其是又经历了一次金融危机后,显得有些平常了。如果时间比较紧,可以仅...
评分Globalization and Its Discontents,让人一下想到弗洛伊德的那本名著,作者“野心”昭然纸上,标题党啊标题党。 不过作为美国总统经济顾问和世行首席经济学家,Stiglitz很有良心地为我们揭示了WB, IMF等组织是如何借经济自由名义推行歪理邪说的。“我惊讶于如此多的决策都由政...
评分Perhaps Mr Stiglitz is a good economist but he is certainly far from being a good writer. The second half of the book is so annoyingly repetitive that it seems he is putting the reader's patience to test at its extremes.
评分1、 资本账户的开放是毫无意义的,因为资本的流动是顺周期的,当经济繁荣的时候,资本会大量流入,加剧泡沫,当经济衰退的时候,资本会大量流出,加剧衰退。 2、 IMF药方的特点是:固定汇率,而提高利率以抑制通胀和稳定汇率,其逻辑在于,如果汇率提高,自然有资本流入。但是...
评分Perhaps Mr Stiglitz is a good economist but he is certainly far from being a good writer. The second half of the book is so annoyingly repetitive that it seems he is putting the reader's patience to test at its extremes.
图书标签: 经济 经济学 全球化 globalization 国际政治 Economics 美国 经济金融
In this contraversial book, the author and winner of the Nobel Prize for Economics argues that though globalization should be a powerful force for good, it has been badly mishandled by the West (espeically in its lead institutions, the World Bank and the IMF) and that the anti-globalizing protestors have much to say that we should listen to. Coming from a figure of Stiglitz's background and authority, this is an explosive message which may change the way we regard current global politics.
标题党啊标题党。 不过作为美国总统经济顾问和世行首席经济学家,Stiglitz很有良心地为我们揭示了WB, IMF等组织是如何借经济自由名义推行歪理邪说的
评分标题党啊标题党。 不过作为美国总统经济顾问和世行首席经济学家,Stiglitz很有良心地为我们揭示了WB, IMF等组织是如何借经济自由名义推行歪理邪说的
评分经济学获奖者。institutions of globalization只为发达国家服务。
评分at first you are shocked. at last you feel you have just been amused.
评分经济学获奖者。institutions of globalization只为发达国家服务。
Globalization and Its Discontents 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书