Critique of the Power of Judgment 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
《判断力批判》被公认为西方现代艺术哲学的奠基之作,对其解读通常有两种倾向:一是立足批判体系,通过对“三大批判”整体结构关联的分析阐释康德哲学的完整性,并在广度上发扬康德哲学在政治哲学、诠释学和社会哲学等领域的贡献,比较著名的是汉娜·阿伦特(Hannah Arendt,《...
评分这书是康德三大批判的最后一本,也是最晚写成。 德国哲学书以晦涩难懂闻名,每分每秒都要紧紧抓住你的注意力,知名代表就是康德和黑格尔;不过话说回来,康德的书虽然句子难懂,部分跟中文蹩脚的翻译应该不无关系,虽然不能因此抹煞译者们的辛劳与智慧,部分也是因为哲学家论...
评分【按语:《判断力批判》发表的时候,康德已经66岁了,堪称垂垂老矣,可是《判断力批判》骨子里却是充满着对青春的救赎性力量的渴慕。让人想起74岁的歌德对18岁的少女乌尔里克(Ulrike von Levetzow)的最后迷恋。 《判断力批判》的旨趣常常被理解为“要克服由前两个批判所造...
评分提笔时还是有些胆怯,只因他的光辉太过耀眼,目前的我也只能远远地看这光辉照耀下的斑驳的影子。 只是浅谈些自己的体会吧。 美学史上一直把鲍勃嘉通视为美学之父。只因他提出了“感性学”这个扭转乾坤的研究重点,把美的研究从理性学的角度转移到感性学,这本身是个冒天下之大...
图书标签: 哲学 美学 康德 kant Philosophy Aesthetics 德国 theory
The Critique of the Power of Judgment (a more accurate rendition of what has hitherto been translated as the Critique of Judgment) is the third of Kant's great critiques following the Critique of Pure Reason and the Critique of Practical Reason. This translation of Kant's masterpiece follows the principles and high standards of all other volumes in The Cambridge Edition of the Works of Immanuel Kant. This volume, first published in 2000, includes: the indispensable first draft of Kant's introduction to the work; an English edition notes to the many differences between the first (1790) and second (1793) editions of the work; and relevant passages in Kant's anthropology lectures where he elaborated on his aesthetic views. All in all this edition offers the serious student of Kant a dramatically richer, more complete and more accurate translation.
评分"In the end, critics of Kant only demonstrate what Kant himself said in the first place..."
评分Hamlet: “What a piece of work is a man! How noble in reason, how infinite in faculty!... And yet, to me, what is this quintessence of dust?”
Critique of the Power of Judgment 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书