这部带有较多自传色彩的小说追溯了tony和brenda的婚姻在brenda与john beaver通奸后的破裂过程。Brenda的婚外情受到她在伦敦的世故朋友的鼓励。小说的最后,绝望的tony为摆脱烦恼到非洲的丛林中旅行,被一个酷爱迪更斯的老人捕获,从此留在密林中为其诵读迪更斯的小说。
A Handful of Dust 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
It's like when your dreamworld is granted to you, yet with a nightmarish tint. What would you do if you were Tony? Well, you know you cannot ever fight back, it's just up to you whether you suffer like a dumb hero or suffer a lot more and suffer interminabl...
评分another title for a proposed serialization in an american magazine (which didn't come into being in the end) is "a flat in london". while this title might not be as poetic as the original one, but it did point out the major element in this novel, one of the...
评分another title for a proposed serialization in an american magazine (which didn't come into being in the end) is "a flat in london". while this title might not be as poetic as the original one, but it did point out the major element in this novel, one of the...
评分图书标签: 英国文学 EvelynWaugh 小说 Evelyn_Waugh 英国 讽刺 BritishLiterature&Fiction 英文原版
Laced with cynicism and truth, "A Handful of Dust" satirizes a certain stratum of English life where all the characters have money, but lack practically every other credential. Murderously urbane, it depicts the breakup of a marriage in the London gentry, where the errant wife suffers from terminal boredom, and becomes enamoured of a social parasite and professional luncheon-goer.
评分那个alternative ending据说是应美国出版商的要求加的,跟主人公被软禁在亚马逊丛林里高声朗读狄更斯小说以度余生简直是天上地下。好在沃最后不忘耍个花招,安排了托尼续租布兰达在伦敦的房间。毕竟是高手。
评分语言洗练对话尤其轻车熟路,笔调好英式,能将悲剧沉重的东西用一种无感性、事不关己的调调表达出来,将主人公的呆傻、人性的卑鄙、idle rich的无聊生活以及终极的悲剧包藏在一部“轻松”的讽刺剧中。有一两处让我发笑的地方,但是读起来有股浓重的虚无主义味道,不喜欢。也许,虚无主义和狂热的宗教信仰真的只是一线之遥。Evelyn Waugh对人性的看法还真是苦涩。
A Handful of Dust 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书