Elwyn Brooks White was a leading American essayist, author, humorist, poet and literary stylist and author of such beloved children's classics as Charlotte's Web, Stuart Little, and The Trumpet of the Swan. He graduated from Cornell University in 1921 and, five or six years later, joined the staff of The New Yorker magazine. He authored over seventeen books of prose and poetry and was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Letters in 1973.
White always said that he found writing difficult and bad for one's disposition.
Mr. White has won countless awards, including the 1971 National Medal for Literature and the Laura Ingalls Wilder Medal, which commended him for making “a substantial and lasting contribution to literature for children.”
Essays of E. B. White 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
如何定义作家呢?作家究竟是一群什么样的人?他们是否能看到我们所看不到的世界?他们是否活在我们世界之外?他们有着什么样光怪陆离的生活和曲折离奇的经历?有人说,不是每个人都能成为作家的,你得有运气、经历、生活,有犀利的眼和细腻的笔。他们并不全对。 我越来越感觉到...
评分Is there an essay called "The Hour of Letdown" in it?
评分昨天,在读E.B.Whihe的《the winter of the great snow》,我的书的封面不是这个,虽然也是essays of E.B.White,这篇文中的第二段里说, A fellow recently reported driving a stake into a snowbank,and when the point of the stake reached ground level it kept right on...
评分The essayist is a self-liberated man, sustained by the childish belief that everything he thinks about, everything that happens to him, is of general interest. -- E.B. White 终于在这本书里读完了Here is New York. New York is not a capital city. It is not a n...
评分昨天,在读E.B.Whihe的《the winter of the great snow》,我的书的封面不是这个,虽然也是essays of E.B.White,这篇文中的第二段里说, A fellow recently reported driving a stake into a snowbank,and when the point of the stake reached ground level it kept right on...
图书标签: E.B.White 随笔 essays 散文 E-B-White 英文原版 文学 美国
The classic collection by one of the greatest essayists of our time.
评分I see nothing in space as promising as the view from a Ferris Wheel. 没想到真能读完,为自己喝彩:)农场部分质量绝高,篇篇“苍翠玲珑”。浣熊后腿、猪鬃毛、鸡蛋与鹅眼里是宇宙。诗、爱与锋芒毕露的讽刺居然共生。少年时羞涩却狂想,后期温和隽永也勘透世间难题,崇尚自然而不摒弃理性,嘲弄中有顽皮和温良,真是可爱的人。离开家的人就像龙虾蜕壳,猪疫与邻居晚餐的荒谬相撞,共通的痛苦,马戏之于年华就如planetary lights对combustion of stars. 果然你至少需要先写出这些,才能写出《夏洛的网》。(关于Ford那篇没看下来,毕竟我是直女啊。)p.s.词汇丰富句型多变生动形象情感充沛,提升写作水平再好不过!
Essays of E. B. White 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书