史景遷(Jonathan D.Spence),世界著名漢學傢,現任美國曆史學會主席。1936年生於英國。曾受教於溫切斯特大學和劍橋大學。1965年獲美國耶魯大學博士學位,現為耶魯大學教授。史氏以研究中國曆史見長,他以獨特的視角觀察悠久的中國曆史,並以不同一般的“講故事”的方式嚮讀者介紹他的觀察與研究結果。他的作品敏銳、深邃、獨特而又“好看”,使他在成為蜚聲國際的漢學傢的同時,也成為學術暢銷書的寫作高手。代錶作有《康熙》、《王氏之死》、《太平天國》、《追尋現代中國》等。
"Like everything else written by Jonathan Spence, The Chan's Great Continent is an absolute must-read for anyone interested in China. Spence is one of the greatest Sinologists of our time, and his work is both authoritative and highly readable." — Los Angeles Times Book Review China has transfixed the West since the earliest contacts between these civilizations. With his characteristic elegance and insight, Jonathan Spence explores how the West has understood China over seven centuries. Ranging from Marco Polo's own depiction of China and the mighty Khan, Kublai, in the 1270s to the China sightings of three twentieth-century writers of acknowledged genius-Kafka, Borges, and Calvino-Spence conveys Western thought on China through a remarkable array of expression. Peopling Spence's account are Iberian adventurers, Enlightenment thinkers, spinners of the dreamy cult of Chinoiserie, and American observers such as Bret Harte, Mark Twain, Ezra Pound, and Eugene O'Neill. Taken together, these China sightings tell us as much about the self-image of the West as about China. "Wonderful. . . . Spence brilliantly demonstrates [how] generation after generation of Westerners [have] asked themselves, 'What is it . . . that held this astonishing, diverse, and immensely populous land together?' "-- New York Times Book Review
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在香港中文大學的推薦書單中第一次看到《大漢之國》的名字。作者史景遷,隻看到他這麼有中國味道的名字很難想象作者是地道的美國曆史學傢。他的中文名字是中國史學傢房兆楹為他取的,意為治史就要敬仰司馬遷。 一直以來都對境外對的學者撰寫的關於中國的書籍很感興趣。他們的...
評分 評分西方人眼裏的中國。從馬可波羅的記載開始(元朝)一直到近代。 從開始神秘而富饒的國度。經曆各種批評,審判,融閤,變成瞭西方人眼裏自己認為要是那樣的中國。 這本書的好處是,它以西方人的角度,有瞭不一樣的審美。而正是這種不一樣的審美,構成瞭他們認為的中國風情。 同時...
評分 評分內容質量與水準不像介紹而言的那麼好,基本上可以認為是喬納森氏讀研究生的讀書筆記而已。將西方對中華的認知做瞭一個大略的梳理,insight並不太多,而且這種梳理也不是非常完整。大概喬氏本人的興趣相關,所選書目,學術性的漢學典籍並不多,多是一些散文與文學性的描述文字。...
圖書標籤: 曆史 JonathanSpence 中國研究 中國 China 英語學術類書籍 海外漢學 史景遷
I prefer to read two chapters for entertainment only, one is ''The French Exotic" (Chap 8) , another is "An American Exotic"(Chap 9).
評分I prefer to read two chapters for entertainment only, one is ''The French Exotic" (Chap 8) , another is "An American Exotic"(Chap 9).
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