史景迁(Jonathan D.Spence),世界著名汉学家,现任美国历史学会主席。1936年生于英国。曾受教于温切斯特大学和剑桥大学。1965年获美国耶鲁大学博士学位,现为耶鲁大学教授。史氏以研究中国历史见长,他以独特的视角观察悠久的中国历史,并以不同一般的“讲故事”的方式向读者介绍他的观察与研究结果。他的作品敏锐、深邃、独特而又“好看”,使他在成为蜚声国际的汉学家的同时,也成为学术畅销书的写作高手。代表作有《康熙》、《王氏之死》、《太平天国》、《追寻现代中国》等。
The Chan's Great Continent 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
在香港中文大学的推荐书单中第一次看到《大汉之国》的名字。作者史景迁,只看到他这么有中国味道的名字很难想象作者是地道的美国历史学家。他的中文名字是中国史学家房兆楹为他取的,意为治史就要敬仰司马迁。 一直以来都对境外对的学者撰写的关于中国的书籍很感兴趣。他们的...
评分史景迁,是一位中国史学前辈房兆楹给他取的。主要作品都是关于清代的。 对于中华民族人民的不同视角的看法,任然带有殖民心态与说不清道不明的迷思,三分猎奇、三分轻蔑、三分怜悯,还有一分“非我族类”的敌意。 从马可波罗开始,西方社会开始认知中国,到一战期间的10万劳工...
评分西方人眼里的中国。从马可波罗的记载开始(元朝)一直到近代。 从开始神秘而富饶的国度。经历各种批评,审判,融合,变成了西方人眼里自己认为要是那样的中国。 这本书的好处是,它以西方人的角度,有了不一样的审美。而正是这种不一样的审美,构成了他们认为的中国风情。 同时...
评分史景迁,是一位中国史学前辈房兆楹给他取的。主要作品都是关于清代的。 对于中华民族人民的不同视角的看法,任然带有殖民心态与说不清道不明的迷思,三分猎奇、三分轻蔑、三分怜悯,还有一分“非我族类”的敌意。 从马可波罗开始,西方社会开始认知中国,到一战期间的10万劳工...
图书标签: 历史 JonathanSpence 中国研究 中国 China 英语学术类书籍 海外汉学 史景遷
"Like everything else written by Jonathan Spence, The Chan's Great Continent is an absolute must-read for anyone interested in China. Spence is one of the greatest Sinologists of our time, and his work is both authoritative and highly readable." — Los Angeles Times Book Review China has transfixed the West since the earliest contacts between these civilizations. With his characteristic elegance and insight, Jonathan Spence explores how the West has understood China over seven centuries. Ranging from Marco Polo's own depiction of China and the mighty Khan, Kublai, in the 1270s to the China sightings of three twentieth-century writers of acknowledged genius-Kafka, Borges, and Calvino-Spence conveys Western thought on China through a remarkable array of expression. Peopling Spence's account are Iberian adventurers, Enlightenment thinkers, spinners of the dreamy cult of Chinoiserie, and American observers such as Bret Harte, Mark Twain, Ezra Pound, and Eugene O'Neill. Taken together, these China sightings tell us as much about the self-image of the West as about China. "Wonderful. . . . Spence brilliantly demonstrates [how] generation after generation of Westerners [have] asked themselves, 'What is it . . . that held this astonishing, diverse, and immensely populous land together?' "-- New York Times Book Review
评分I prefer to read two chapters for entertainment only, one is ''The French Exotic" (Chap 8) , another is "An American Exotic"(Chap 9).
评分I prefer to read two chapters for entertainment only, one is ''The French Exotic" (Chap 8) , another is "An American Exotic"(Chap 9).
评分I prefer to read two chapters for entertainment only, one is ''The French Exotic" (Chap 8) , another is "An American Exotic"(Chap 9).
评分I prefer to read two chapters for entertainment only, one is ''The French Exotic" (Chap 8) , another is "An American Exotic"(Chap 9).
The Chan's Great Continent 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书