The Three Musketeers 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
只有了解阿托斯,才能更好的理解一句话:低调才是最牛逼的炫耀! 他是勇敢的 面对困难从来都是迎刃而解 他是冷静的 哪怕险象环生 也能正襟危坐临危不乱 他是足智多谋的 每逢绝境之时 总能另辟蹊径 他是仗义的的 对待朋友从来是慷慨大方 不拘小节 对达德尼昂来说 他是朋...
评分喜欢《三个火枪手》,是从喜欢动画里的阿拉米斯开始的。 于是那年十岁的我就天天抱着这本厚厚的书。 也是因为动画的原因,所以看小说的时候,对阿拉米斯就有种先入为主的好感,虽然知道,小说里的“他”,完全不是动画中的“她”。但还是对涉及到阿拉米斯的情节读到几乎要...
评分不是我小时候看的那个译本了,坑爹啊... 1.哥小时候看的那本里面叫达德尼昂,这本叫达达尼安!怎么不叫达达乐队啊! 2. 棱堡早餐那段,瑞士龙骑兵的口音这个版本根本没翻译出来,很好笑的一个桥段就这么浪费鸟... 3. 最最坑爹的:著名的“人人为我,我为人人”你猜翻成什么...
评分现在可以说对我影响最大的一位外国作家的名字了:大仲马。早在大学时代我就看过我能够找到的所有他的作品,当然是中译本。《三个火枪手》这本书更是作为床头书在寝室放了很久,直到过了借阅期才恋恋不舍地归还,第二年又借出来一次。 法国的金庸——这是比较直观...
评分看到《二十年后》一开始交待达达尼昂别后经历,有一段是他如何在小酒馆里留下来,并且成了代理老板的,忍不住大笑。尽管勇猛、灵活、聪明,达达尼昂始终都不是真正的贵族,那种市民气的朴实和精明深入骨髓。 同样的事情换在阿多斯身上——不对,根本不可能发生。...
图书标签: 英文原版 历史 法国 小说 English Alexandre-Dumas
The Three Musketeers , by Alexandre Dumas , is part of the Barnes & Noble Classics series, which offers quality editions at affordable prices to the student and the general reader, including new scholarship, thoughtful design, and pages of carefully crafted extras. Here are some of the remarkable features of Barnes & Noble Classics :
All editions are beautifully designed and are printed to superior specifications; some include illustrations of historical interest. Barnes & Noble Classics pulls together a constellation of influencesbiographical, historical, and literaryto enrich each reader's understanding of these enduring works. 0in 0in 0pt">Mixing a bit of seventeenth-century French history with a great deal of invention, Alexandre Dumas tells the tale of young D’Artagnan and his musketeer comrades, Porthos, Athos and Aramis. Together they fight to foil the schemes of the brilliant, dangerous Cardinal Richelieu, who pretends to support the king while plotting to advance his own power. Bursting with swirling swordplay, swooning romance, and unforgettable figures such as the seductively beautiful but deadly femme fatale, Milady, and D’Artagnan’s equally beautiful love, Madame Bonacieux, The Three Musketeers continues, after a century and a half of continuous publication, to define the genre of swashbuckling romance and historical adventure.
Barbara T. Cooper is Professor of French at the University of New Hampshire. She is a member of the editorial boards of Nineteenth-Century French Studies and the Cahiers Alexandre Dumas and specializes in nineteenth-century French drama and works by Dumas.
The Three Musketeers 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书