钟宜霖(曾用名钟锟),北京旅英女作家。7岁发表处女作,14岁开始创作长篇小说,出国前已出版三部长篇:《阳光雨季》、《言情》、《非一般爱情小说》,文集《地铁里的眼睛》、《去往拉萨》。2002年赴英留学,获英国名校硕士学位,现居伦敦。《伦敦单身日记》(London Single Diary) 是她在伦敦创作的系列日记体小说,姊妹篇《伦敦爱情故事》2010年出版。
About the author:
Yilin Zhong was born in China and began to release poems when she was 7 years old. Before she was 25, while she was living in Beijing, she had published three novels: Sunshine and the Monsoon (1995), Say Love (1998), The Love Fiction (2001), and a column of essays Eyes in Subway (2001); her column of short stories Going to Tibet was written between the age of 17 and 24 and was published in 2005.
In 2002, she came to study in London and then gained her MA degree from a top university in the UK. She now lives in London. London Single Diary was her first series writing written in the UK.
地铁里的眼睛 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
图书标签: 随笔 钟宜霖 言情 游记 散文 中国文学 青春 爱情
地铁里的眼睛 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书